
1848 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' show Platform;
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
import 'dart:ui';
import 'package:audio_session/audio_session.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_cache_manager/flutter_cache_manager.dart';
import 'package:flutter_isolate/flutter_isolate.dart';
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
/// Name of port used to send custom events.
const _CUSTOM_EVENT_PORT_NAME = 'customEventPort';
/// The different buttons on a headset.
enum MediaButton {
/// The actons associated with playing audio.
enum MediaAction {
/// The different states during audio processing.
enum AudioProcessingState {
/// The playback state for the audio service which includes a [playing] boolean
/// state, a processing state such as [AudioProcessingState.buffering], the
/// playback position and the currently enabled actions to be shown in the
/// Android notification or the iOS control center.
class PlaybackState {
/// The audio processing state e.g. [BasicPlaybackState.buffering].
final AudioProcessingState processingState;
/// Whether audio is either playing, or will play as soon as
/// [processingState] is [AudioProcessingState.ready]. A true value should
/// be broadcast whenever it would be appropriate for UIs to display a pause
/// or stop button.
/// Since [playing] and [processingState] can vary independently, it is
/// possible distinguish a particular audio processing state while audio is
/// playing vs paused. For example, when buffering occurs during a seek, the
/// [processingState] can be [AudioProcessingState.buffering], but alongside
/// that [playing] can be true to indicate that the seek was performed while
/// playing, or false to indicate that the seek was performed while paused.
final bool playing;
/// The set of actions currently supported by the audio service e.g.
/// [].
final Set<MediaAction> actions;
/// The playback position at the last update time.
final Duration position;
/// The buffered position.
final Duration bufferedPosition;
/// The current playback speed where 1.0 means normal speed.
final double speed;
/// The time at which the playback position was last updated.
final Duration updateTime;
/// The current repeat mode.
final AudioServiceRepeatMode repeatMode;
/// The current shuffle mode.
final AudioServiceShuffleMode shuffleMode;
const PlaybackState({
@required this.processingState,
@required this.playing,
@required this.actions,
this.bufferedPosition =,
this.repeatMode = AudioServiceRepeatMode.none,
this.shuffleMode = AudioServiceShuffleMode.none,
/// The current playback position.
Duration get currentPosition {
if (playing && processingState == AudioProcessingState.ready) {
return Duration(
milliseconds: (position.inMilliseconds +
(( -
updateTime.inMilliseconds) *
(speed ?? 1.0)))
} else {
return position;
enum RatingStyle {
/// Indicates a rating style is not supported.
/// A Rating will never have this type, but can be used by other classes
/// to indicate they do not support Rating.
/// A rating style with a single degree of rating, "heart" vs "no heart".
/// Can be used to indicate the content referred to is a favorite (or not).
/// A rating style for "thumb up" vs "thumb down".
/// A rating style with 0 to 3 stars.
/// A rating style with 0 to 4 stars.
/// A rating style with 0 to 5 stars.
/// A rating style expressed as a percentage.
/// A rating to attach to a MediaItem.
class Rating {
final RatingStyle _type;
final dynamic _value;
const Rating._internal(this._type, this._value);
/// Create a new heart rating.
const Rating.newHeartRating(bool hasHeart)
: this._internal(RatingStyle.heart, hasHeart);
/// Create a new percentage rating.
factory Rating.newPercentageRating(double percent) {
if (percent < 0 || percent > 100) throw ArgumentError();
return Rating._internal(RatingStyle.percentage, percent);
/// Create a new star rating.
factory Rating.newStartRating(RatingStyle starRatingStyle, int starRating) {
if (starRatingStyle != RatingStyle.range3stars &&
starRatingStyle != RatingStyle.range4stars &&
starRatingStyle != RatingStyle.range5stars) {
throw ArgumentError();
if (starRating > starRatingStyle.index || starRating < 0)
throw ArgumentError();
return Rating._internal(starRatingStyle, starRating);
/// Create a new thumb rating.
const Rating.newThumbRating(bool isThumbsUp)
: this._internal(RatingStyle.thumbUpDown, isThumbsUp);
/// Create a new unrated rating.
const Rating.newUnratedRating(RatingStyle ratingStyle)
: this._internal(ratingStyle, null);
/// Return the rating style.
RatingStyle getRatingStyle() => _type;
/// Returns a percentage rating value greater or equal to 0.0f, or a
/// negative value if the rating style is not percentage-based, or
/// if it is unrated.
double getPercentRating() {
if (_type != RatingStyle.percentage) return -1;
if (_value < 0 || _value > 100) return -1;
return _value ?? -1;
/// Returns a rating value greater or equal to 0.0f, or a negative
/// value if the rating style is not star-based, or if it is
/// unrated.
int getStarRating() {
if (_type != RatingStyle.range3stars &&
_type != RatingStyle.range4stars &&
_type != RatingStyle.range5stars) return -1;
return _value ?? -1;
/// Returns true if the rating is "heart selected" or false if the
/// rating is "heart unselected", if the rating style is not [heart]
/// or if it is unrated.
bool hasHeart() {
if (_type != RatingStyle.heart) return false;
return _value ?? false;
/// Returns true if the rating is "thumb up" or false if the rating
/// is "thumb down", if the rating style is not [thumbUpDown] or if
/// it is unrated.
bool isThumbUp() {
if (_type != RatingStyle.thumbUpDown) return false;
return _value ?? false;
/// Return whether there is a rating value available.
bool isRated() => _value != null;
Map<String, dynamic> _toRaw() {
return <String, dynamic>{
'type': _type.index,
'value': _value,
// Even though this should take a Map<String, dynamic>, that makes an error.
Rating._fromRaw(Map<dynamic, dynamic> raw)
: this._internal(RatingStyle.values[raw['type']], raw['value']);
/// Metadata about an audio item that can be played, or a folder containing
/// audio items.
class MediaItem {
/// A unique id.
final String id;
/// The album this media item belongs to.
final String album;
/// The title of this media item.
final String title;
/// The artist of this media item.
final String artist;
/// The genre of this media item.
final String genre;
/// The duration of this media item.
final Duration duration;
/// The artwork for this media item as a uri.
final String artUri;
/// Whether this is playable (i.e. not a folder).
final bool playable;
/// Override the default title for display purposes.
final String displayTitle;
/// Override the default subtitle for display purposes.
final String displaySubtitle;
/// Override the default description for display purposes.
final String displayDescription;
/// The rating of the MediaItem.
final Rating rating;
/// A map of additional metadata for the media item.
/// The values must be integers or strings.
final Map<String, dynamic> extras;
/// Creates a [MediaItem].
/// [id], [album] and [title] must not be null, and [id] must be unique for
/// each instance.
const MediaItem({
@required this.album,
@required this.title,
this.playable = true,
/// Creates a [MediaItem] from a map of key/value pairs corresponding to
/// fields of this class.
factory MediaItem.fromJson(Map raw) => MediaItem(
id: raw['id'],
album: raw['album'],
title: raw['title'],
artist: raw['artist'],
genre: raw['genre'],
duration: raw['duration'] != null
? Duration(milliseconds: raw['duration'])
: null,
artUri: raw['artUri'],
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
playable: raw['playable'],
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
displayTitle: raw['displayTitle'],
displaySubtitle: raw['displaySubtitle'],
displayDescription: raw['displayDescription'],
rating: raw['rating'] != null ? Rating._fromRaw(raw['rating']) : null,
extras: _raw2extras(raw['extras']),
/// Creates a copy of this [MediaItem] but with with the given fields
/// replaced by new values.
MediaItem copyWith({
String id,
String album,
String title,
String artist,
String genre,
Duration duration,
String artUri,
bool playable,
String displayTitle,
String displaySubtitle,
String displayDescription,
Rating rating,
Map extras,
}) =>
id: id ??,
album: album ?? this.album,
title: title ?? this.title,
artist: artist ?? this.artist,
genre: genre ?? this.genre,
duration: duration ?? this.duration,
artUri: artUri ?? this.artUri,
playable: playable ?? this.playable,
displayTitle: displayTitle ?? this.displayTitle,
displaySubtitle: displaySubtitle ?? this.displaySubtitle,
displayDescription: displayDescription ?? this.displayDescription,
rating: rating ?? this.rating,
extras: extras ?? this.extras,
int get hashCode => id.hashCode;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) => other is MediaItem && == id;
String toString() => '${toJson()}';
/// Converts this [MediaItem] to a map of key/value pairs corresponding to
/// the fields of this class.
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
'id': id,
'album': album,
'title': title,
'artist': artist,
'genre': genre,
'duration': duration?.inMilliseconds,
'artUri': artUri,
'playable': playable,
'displayTitle': displayTitle,
'displaySubtitle': displaySubtitle,
'displayDescription': displayDescription,
'rating': rating?._toRaw(),
'extras': extras,
static Map<String, dynamic> _raw2extras(Map raw) {
if (raw == null) return null;
final extras = <String, dynamic>{};
for (var key in raw.keys) {
extras[key as String] = raw[key];
return extras;
/// A button to appear in the Android notification, lock screen, Android smart
/// watch, or Android Auto device. The set of buttons you would like to display
/// at any given moment should be set via [AudioServiceBackground.setState].
/// Each [MediaControl] button controls a specified [MediaAction]. Only the
/// following actions can be represented as buttons:
/// * [MediaAction.stop]
/// * [MediaAction.pause]
/// * []
/// * [MediaAction.rewind]
/// * [MediaAction.skipToPrevious]
/// * [MediaAction.skipToNext]
/// * [MediaAction.fastForward]
/// * [MediaAction.playPause]
/// Predefined controls with default Android icons and labels are defined as
/// static fields of this class. If you wish to define your own custom Android
/// controls with your own icon resources, you will need to place the Android
/// resources in `android/app/src/main/res`. Here, you will find a subdirectory
/// for each different resolution:
/// ```
/// drawable-hdpi
/// drawable-mdpi
/// drawable-xhdpi
/// drawable-xxhdpi
/// drawable-xxxhdpi
/// ```
/// You can use [Android Asset
/// Studio]( to generate these
/// different subdirectories for any standard material design icon.
class MediaControl {
/// A default control for [MediaAction.stop].
static final stop = MediaControl(
androidIcon: 'drawable/audio_service_stop',
label: 'Stop',
action: MediaAction.stop,
/// A default control for [MediaAction.pause].
static final pause = MediaControl(
androidIcon: 'drawable/audio_service_pause',
label: 'Pause',
action: MediaAction.pause,
/// A default control for [].
static final play = MediaControl(
androidIcon: 'drawable/audio_service_play_arrow',
label: 'Play',
/// A default control for [MediaAction.rewind].
static final rewind = MediaControl(
androidIcon: 'drawable/audio_service_fast_rewind',
label: 'Rewind',
action: MediaAction.rewind,
/// A default control for [MediaAction.skipToNext].
static final skipToNext = MediaControl(
androidIcon: 'drawable/audio_service_skip_next',
label: 'Next',
action: MediaAction.skipToNext,
/// A default control for [MediaAction.skipToPrevious].
static final skipToPrevious = MediaControl(
androidIcon: 'drawable/audio_service_skip_previous',
label: 'Previous',
action: MediaAction.skipToPrevious,
/// A default control for [MediaAction.fastForward].
static final fastForward = MediaControl(
androidIcon: 'drawable/audio_service_fast_forward',
label: 'Fast Forward',
action: MediaAction.fastForward,
/// A reference to an Android icon resource for the control (e.g.
/// `"drawable/ic_action_pause"`)
final String androidIcon;
/// A label for the control
final String label;
/// The action to be executed by this control
final MediaAction action;
const MediaControl({
@required this.androidIcon,
@required this.label,
@required this.action,
const MethodChannel _channel =
const MethodChannel('');
const String _CUSTOM_PREFIX = 'custom_';
/// Client API to start and interact with the audio service.
/// This class is used from your UI code to establish a connection with the
/// audio service. While connected to the service, your UI may invoke methods
/// of this class to start/pause/stop/etc. playback and listen to changes in
/// playback state and playing media.
/// Your UI must disconnect from the audio service when it is no longer visible
/// although the audio service will continue to run in the background. If your
/// UI once again becomes visible, you should reconnect to the audio service.
/// It is recommended to use [AudioServiceWidget] to manage this connection
/// automatically.
class AudioService {
/// True if the background task runs in its own isolate, false if it doesn't.
static bool get usesIsolate => !(kIsWeb || Platform.isMacOS);
/// The root media ID for browsing media provided by the background
/// task.
static const String MEDIA_ROOT_ID = "root";
static final _browseMediaChildrenSubject = BehaviorSubject<List<MediaItem>>();
/// A stream that broadcasts the children of the current browse
/// media parent.
static Stream<List<MediaItem>> get browseMediaChildrenStream =>;
static final _playbackStateSubject = BehaviorSubject<PlaybackState>();
/// A stream that broadcasts the playback state.
static Stream<PlaybackState> get playbackStateStream =>;
static final _currentMediaItemSubject = BehaviorSubject<MediaItem>();
/// A stream that broadcasts the current [MediaItem].
static Stream<MediaItem> get currentMediaItemStream =>;
static final _queueSubject = BehaviorSubject<List<MediaItem>>();
/// A stream that broadcasts the queue.
static Stream<List<MediaItem>> get queueStream =>;
static final _notificationSubject = BehaviorSubject<bool>.seeded(false);
/// A stream that broadcasts the status of notificationClick event.
static Stream<bool> get notificationClickEventStream =>;
static final _customEventSubject = PublishSubject<dynamic>();
/// A stream that broadcasts custom events sent from the background.
static Stream<dynamic> get customEventStream =>;
/// The children of the current browse media parent.
static List<MediaItem> get browseMediaChildren => _browseMediaChildren;
static List<MediaItem> _browseMediaChildren;
/// The current playback state.
static PlaybackState get playbackState => _playbackState;
static PlaybackState _playbackState;
/// The current media item.
static MediaItem get currentMediaItem => _currentMediaItem;
static MediaItem _currentMediaItem;
/// The current queue.
static List<MediaItem> get queue => _queue;
static List<MediaItem> _queue;
/// True after service stopped and !running.
static bool _afterStop = false;
/// Receives custom events from the background audio task.
static ReceivePort _customEventReceivePort;
static StreamSubscription _customEventSubscription;
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
/// A queue of tasks to be processed serially. Tasks that are processed on
/// this queue:
/// - [connect]
/// - [disconnect]
/// - [start]
/// TODO: Queue other tasks? Note, only short-running tasks should be queued.
static final _asyncTaskQueue = _AsyncTaskQueue();
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
/// Connects to the service from your UI so that audio playback can be
/// controlled.
/// This method should be called when your UI becomes visible, and
/// [disconnect] should be called when your UI is no longer visible. All
/// other methods in this class will work only while connected.
/// Use [AudioServiceWidget] to handle this automatically.
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
static Future<void> connect() => _asyncTaskQueue.schedule(() async {
if (_connected) return;
_channel.setMethodCallHandler((MethodCall call) async {
switch (call.method) {
case 'onChildrenLoaded':
final List<Map> args = List<Map>.from(call.arguments[0]);
_browseMediaChildren = => MediaItem.fromJson(raw)).toList();
case 'onPlaybackStateChanged':
// If this event arrives too late, ignore it.
if (_afterStop) return;
final List args = call.arguments;
int actionBits = args[2];
_playbackState = PlaybackState(
processingState: AudioProcessingState.values[args[0]],
playing: args[1],
actions: MediaAction.values
.where((action) => (actionBits & (1 << action.index)) != 0)
position: Duration(milliseconds: args[3]),
bufferedPosition: Duration(milliseconds: args[4]),
speed: args[5],
updateTime: Duration(milliseconds: args[6]),
repeatMode: AudioServiceRepeatMode.values[args[7]],
shuffleMode: AudioServiceShuffleMode.values[args[8]],
case 'onMediaChanged':
_currentMediaItem = call.arguments[0] != null
? MediaItem.fromJson(call.arguments[0])
: null;
case 'onQueueChanged':
final List<Map> args = call.arguments[0] != null
? List<Map>.from(call.arguments[0])
: null;
_queue = args?.map((raw) => MediaItem.fromJson(raw))?.toList();
case 'onStopped':
_browseMediaChildren = null;
_playbackState = null;
_currentMediaItem = null;
_queue = null;
_running = false;
_afterStop = true;
case 'notificationClicked':
if (AudioService.usesIsolate) {
_customEventReceivePort = ReceivePort();
_customEventSubscription = _customEventReceivePort.listen((event) {
_customEventReceivePort.sendPort, _CUSTOM_EVENT_PORT_NAME);
await _channel.invokeMethod("connect");
_running = await _channel.invokeMethod("isRunning");
_connected = true;
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
/// Disconnects your UI from the service.
/// This method should be called when the UI is no longer visible.
/// Use [AudioServiceWidget] to handle this automatically.
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
static Future<void> disconnect() => _asyncTaskQueue.schedule(() async {
if (!_connected) return;
_customEventSubscription = null;
_customEventReceivePort = null;
await _channel.invokeMethod("disconnect");
_connected = false;
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
/// True if the UI is connected.
static bool get connected => _connected;
static bool _connected = false;
/// True if the background audio task is running.
static bool get running => _running;
static bool _running = false;
/// Starts a background audio task which will continue running even when the
/// UI is not visible or the screen is turned off. Only one background audio task
/// may be running at a time.
/// While the background task is running, it will display a system
/// notification showing information about the current media item being
/// played (see [AudioServiceBackground.setMediaItem]) along with any media
/// controls to perform any media actions that you want to support (see
/// [AudioServiceBackground.setState]).
/// The background task is specified by [backgroundTaskEntrypoint] which will
/// be run within a background isolate. This function must be a top-level
/// function, and it must initiate execution by calling
/// []. Because the background task runs in an
/// isolate, no memory is shared between the background isolate and your main
/// UI isolate and so all communication between the background task and your
/// UI is achieved through message passing.
/// The [androidNotificationIcon] is specified like an XML resource reference
/// and defaults to `"mipmap/ic_launcher"`.
/// If specified, [androidArtDownscaleSize] causes artwork to be downscaled
/// to the given resolution in pixels before being displayed in the
/// notification and lock screen. If not specified, no downscaling will be
/// performed. If the resolution of your artwork is particularly high,
/// downscaling can help to conserve memory.
/// [params] provides a way to pass custom parameters through to the
/// `onStart` method of your background audio task. If specified, this must
/// be a map consisting of keys/values that can be encoded via Flutter's
/// `StandardMessageCodec`.
/// [fastForwardInterval] and [rewindInterval] are passed through to your
/// background audio task as properties, and they represent the duration
/// of audio that should be skipped in fast forward / rewind operations. On
/// iOS, these values also configure the intervals for the skip forward and
/// skip backward buttons.
/// [androidEnableQueue] enables queue support on the media session on
/// Android. If your app will run on Android and has a queue, you should set
/// this to true.
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
/// [androidStopForegroundOnPause] will switch the Android service to a lower
/// priority state when playback is paused allowing the user to swipe away the
/// notification. Note that while in this lower priority state, the operating
/// system will also be able to kill your service at any time to reclaim
/// resources.
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
/// This method waits for [BackgroundAudioTask.onStart] to complete, and
/// completes with true if the task was successfully started, or false
/// otherwise.
static Future<bool> start({
@required Function backgroundTaskEntrypoint,
Map<String, dynamic> params,
String androidNotificationChannelName = "Notifications",
String androidNotificationChannelDescription,
int androidNotificationColor,
String androidNotificationIcon = 'mipmap/ic_launcher',
bool androidNotificationClickStartsActivity = true,
bool androidNotificationOngoing = false,
bool androidResumeOnClick = true,
bool androidStopForegroundOnPause = false,
bool androidEnableQueue = false,
Size androidArtDownscaleSize,
Duration fastForwardInterval = const Duration(seconds: 10),
Duration rewindInterval = const Duration(seconds: 10),
}) async {
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
return await _asyncTaskQueue.schedule(() async {
if (!_connected) throw Exception("Not connected");
if (_running) return false;
_running = true;
_afterStop = false;
ui.CallbackHandle handle;
if (AudioService.usesIsolate) {
handle = ui.PluginUtilities.getCallbackHandle(backgroundTaskEntrypoint);
if (handle == null) {
return false;
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
var callbackHandle = handle?.toRawHandle();
if (kIsWeb) {
// Platform throws runtime exceptions on web
} else if (Platform.isIOS) {
// NOTE: to maintain compatibility between the Android and iOS
// implementations, we ensure that the iOS background task also runs in
// an isolate. Currently, the standard Isolate API does not allow
// isolates to invoke methods on method channels. That may be fixed in
// the future, but until then, we use the flutter_isolate plugin which
// creates a FlutterNativeView for us, similar to what the Android
// implementation does.
// TODO: remove dependency on flutter_isolate by either using the
// FlutterNativeView API directly or by waiting until Flutter allows
// regular isolates to use method channels.
await FlutterIsolate.spawn(_iosIsolateEntrypoint, callbackHandle);
final success = await _channel.invokeMethod('start', {
'callbackHandle': callbackHandle,
'params': params,
'androidNotificationChannelName': androidNotificationChannelName,
'androidNotificationColor': androidNotificationColor,
'androidNotificationIcon': androidNotificationIcon,
'androidNotificationOngoing': androidNotificationOngoing,
'androidResumeOnClick': androidResumeOnClick,
'androidStopForegroundOnPause': androidStopForegroundOnPause,
'androidEnableQueue': androidEnableQueue,
'androidArtDownscaleSize': androidArtDownscaleSize != null
? {
'width': androidArtDownscaleSize.width,
'height': androidArtDownscaleSize.height
: null,
'fastForwardInterval': fastForwardInterval.inMilliseconds,
'rewindInterval': rewindInterval.inMilliseconds,
_running = await _channel.invokeMethod("isRunning");
if (!AudioService.usesIsolate) backgroundTaskEntrypoint();
return success;
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
/// Sets the parent of the children that [browseMediaChildrenStream] broadcasts.
/// If unspecified, the root parent will be used.
static Future<void> setBrowseMediaParent(
[String parentMediaId = MEDIA_ROOT_ID]) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('setBrowseMediaParent', parentMediaId);
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to add an item to the
/// queue. This passes through to the `onAddQueueItem` method in your
/// background audio task.
static Future<void> addQueueItem(MediaItem mediaItem) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('addQueueItem', mediaItem.toJson());
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to add a item to the queue
/// at a particular position. This passes through to the `onAddQueueItemAt`
/// method in your background audio task.
static Future<void> addQueueItemAt(MediaItem mediaItem, int index) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('addQueueItemAt', [mediaItem.toJson(), index]);
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to remove an item from the
/// queue. This passes through to the `onRemoveQueueItem` method in your
/// background audio task.
static Future<void> removeQueueItem(MediaItem mediaItem) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('removeQueueItem', mediaItem.toJson());
/// A convenience method calls [addQueueItem] for each media item in the
/// given list. Note that this will be inefficient if you are adding a lot
/// of media items at once. If possible, you should use [updateQueue]
/// instead.
static Future<void> addQueueItems(List<MediaItem> mediaItems) async {
for (var mediaItem in mediaItems) {
await addQueueItem(mediaItem);
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to replace the queue with a
/// new list of media items. This passes through to the `onUpdateQueue`
/// method in your background audio task.
static Future<void> updateQueue(List<MediaItem> queue) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod(
'updateQueue', => item.toJson()).toList());
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to update the details of a
/// media item. This passes through to the 'onUpdateMediaItem' method in your
/// background audio task.
static Future<void> updateMediaItem(MediaItem mediaItem) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('updateMediaItem', mediaItem.toJson());
/// Programmatically simulates a click of a media button on the headset.
/// This passes through to `onClick` in the background audio task.
static Future<void> click([MediaButton button =]) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('click', button.index);
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to prepare for audio
/// playback. This passes through to the `onPrepare` method in your
/// background audio task.
static Future<void> prepare() async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('prepare');
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to prepare for playing a
/// particular media item. This passes through to the `onPrepareFromMediaId`
/// method in your background audio task.
static Future<void> prepareFromMediaId(String mediaId) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('prepareFromMediaId', mediaId);
//static Future<void> prepareFromSearch(String query, Bundle extras) async {}
//static Future<void> prepareFromUri(Uri uri, Bundle extras) async {}
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to play the current media
/// item. This passes through to 'onPlay' in your background audio task.
static Future<void> play() async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('play');
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to play a particular media
/// item referenced by its media id. This passes through to the
/// 'onPlayFromMediaId' method in your background audio task.
static Future<void> playFromMediaId(String mediaId) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('playFromMediaId', mediaId);
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to play a particular media
/// item. This passes through to the 'onPlayMediaItem' method in your
/// background audio task.
static Future<void> playMediaItem(MediaItem mediaItem) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('playMediaItem', mediaItem.toJson());
//static Future<void> playFromSearch(String query, Bundle extras) async {}
//static Future<void> playFromUri(Uri uri, Bundle extras) async {}
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to skip to a particular
/// item in the queue. This passes through to the `onSkipToQueueItem` method
/// in your background audio task.
static Future<void> skipToQueueItem(String mediaId) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('skipToQueueItem', mediaId);
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to pause playback. This
/// passes through to the `onPause` method in your background audio task.
static Future<void> pause() async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('pause');
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to stop playback and shut
/// down the task. This passes through to the `onStop` method in your
/// background audio task.
static Future<void> stop() async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('stop');
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to seek to a particular
/// position in the current media item. This passes through to the `onSeekTo`
/// method in your background audio task.
static Future<void> seekTo(Duration position) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('seekTo', position.inMilliseconds);
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to skip to the next item in
/// the queue. This passes through to the `onSkipToNext` method in your
/// background audio task.
static Future<void> skipToNext() async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('skipToNext');
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to skip to the previous
/// item in the queue. This passes through to the `onSkipToPrevious` method
/// in your background audio task.
static Future<void> skipToPrevious() async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('skipToPrevious');
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to fast forward by the
/// interval passed into the [start] method. This passes through to the
/// `onFastForward` method in your background audio task.
static Future<void> fastForward() async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('fastForward');
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to rewind by the interval
/// passed into the [start] method. This passes through to the `onRewind`
/// method in the background audio task.
static Future<void> rewind() async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('rewind');
//static Future<void> setCaptioningEnabled(boolean enabled) async {}
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to set the repeat mode.
/// This passes through to the `onSetRepeatMode` method in your background
/// audio task.
static Future<void> setRepeatMode(AudioServiceRepeatMode repeatMode) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('setRepeatMode', repeatMode.index);
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to set the shuffle mode.
/// This passes through to the `onSetShuffleMode` method in your background
/// audio task.
static Future<void> setShuffleMode(
AudioServiceShuffleMode shuffleMode) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('setShuffleMode', shuffleMode.index);
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to set a rating on the
/// current media item. This passes through to the `onSetRating` method in
/// your background audio task. The extras map must *only* contain primitive
/// types!
static Future<void> setRating(Rating rating,
[Map<String, dynamic> extras]) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('setRating', {
"rating": rating._toRaw(),
"extras": extras,
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to set the audio playback
/// speed. This passes through to the `onSetSpeed` method in your background
/// audio task.
static Future<void> setSpeed(double speed) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('setSpeed', speed);
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to begin or end seeking
/// backward. This method passes through to the `onSeekBackward` method in
/// your background audio task.
static Future<void> seekBackward(bool begin) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('seekBackward', begin);
/// Sends a request to your background audio task to begin or end seek
/// forward. This method passes through to the `onSeekForward` method in your
/// background audio task.
static Future<void> seekForward(bool begin) async {
await _channel.invokeMethod('seekForward', begin);
//static Future<void> sendCustomAction(PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction customAction,
//static Future<void> sendCustomAction(String action, Bundle args) async {}
/// Sends a custom request to your background audio task. This passes through
/// to the `onCustomAction` in your background audio task.
/// This may be used for your own purposes. [arguments] can be any data that
/// is encodable by `StandardMessageCodec`.
static Future customAction(String name, [dynamic arguments]) async {
return await _channel.invokeMethod('$_CUSTOM_PREFIX$name', arguments);
/// Background API to be used by your background audio task.
/// The entry point of your background task that you passed to
/// [AudioService.start] is executed in an isolate that will run independently
/// of the view. Aside from its primary job of playing audio, your background
/// task should also use methods of this class to initialise the isolate,
/// broadcast state changes to any UI that may be connected, and to also handle
/// playback actions initiated by the UI.
class AudioServiceBackground {
static final PlaybackState _noneState = PlaybackState(
processingState: AudioProcessingState.none,
playing: false,
actions: Set(),
static MethodChannel _backgroundChannel;
static PlaybackState _state = _noneState;
static MediaItem _mediaItem;
static List<MediaItem> _queue;
static BaseCacheManager _cacheManager;
static BackgroundAudioTask _task;
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
static bool _running = false;
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
/// The current media playback state.
/// This is the value most recently set via [setState].
static PlaybackState get state => _state;
/// The current media item.
/// This is the value most recently set via [setMediaItem].
static MediaItem get mediaItem => _mediaItem;
/// The current queue.
/// This is the value most recently set via [setQueue].
static List<MediaItem> get queue => _queue;
/// Runs the background audio task within the background isolate.
/// This must be the first method called by the entrypoint of your background
/// task that you passed into [AudioService.start]. The [BackgroundAudioTask]
/// returned by the [taskBuilder] parameter defines callbacks to handle the
/// initialization and distruction of the background audio task, as well as
/// any requests by the client to play, pause and otherwise control audio
/// playback.
static Future<void> run(BackgroundAudioTask taskBuilder()) async {
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
_running = true;
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
_backgroundChannel =
const MethodChannel('');
_task = taskBuilder();
_cacheManager = _task.cacheManager;
_backgroundChannel.setMethodCallHandler((MethodCall call) async {
try {
switch (call.method) {
case 'onLoadChildren':
final List args = call.arguments;
String parentMediaId = args[0];
List<MediaItem> mediaItems =
await _task.onLoadChildren(parentMediaId);
List<Map> rawMediaItems = => item.toJson()).toList();
return rawMediaItems as dynamic;
case 'onClick':
final List args = call.arguments;
MediaButton button = MediaButton.values[args[0]];
await _task.onClick(button);
case 'onStop':
await _task.onStop();
case 'onPause':
await _task.onPause();
case 'onPrepare':
await _task.onPrepare();
case 'onPrepareFromMediaId':
final List args = call.arguments;
String mediaId = args[0];
await _task.onPrepareFromMediaId(mediaId);
case 'onPlay':
await _task.onPlay();
case 'onPlayFromMediaId':
final List args = call.arguments;
String mediaId = args[0];
await _task.onPlayFromMediaId(mediaId);
case 'onPlayMediaItem':
await _task.onPlayMediaItem(MediaItem.fromJson(call.arguments[0]));
case 'onAddQueueItem':
await _task.onAddQueueItem(MediaItem.fromJson(call.arguments[0]));
case 'onAddQueueItemAt':
final List args = call.arguments;
MediaItem mediaItem = MediaItem.fromJson(args[0]);
int index = args[1];
await _task.onAddQueueItemAt(mediaItem, index);
case 'onUpdateQueue':
final List args = call.arguments;
final List queue = args[0];
await _task.onUpdateQueue(
queue?.map((raw) => MediaItem.fromJson(raw))?.toList());
case 'onUpdateMediaItem':
await _task
case 'onRemoveQueueItem':
await _task
case 'onSkipToNext':
await _task.onSkipToNext();
case 'onSkipToPrevious':
await _task.onSkipToPrevious();
case 'onFastForward':
await _task.onFastForward();
case 'onRewind':
await _task.onRewind();
case 'onSkipToQueueItem':
final List args = call.arguments;
String mediaId = args[0];
await _task.onSkipToQueueItem(mediaId);
case 'onSeekTo':
final List args = call.arguments;
int positionMs = args[0];
Duration position = Duration(milliseconds: positionMs);
await _task.onSeekTo(position);
case 'onSetRepeatMode':
final List args = call.arguments;
await _task.onSetRepeatMode(AudioServiceRepeatMode.values[args[0]]);
case 'onSetShuffleMode':
final List args = call.arguments;
await _task
case 'onSetRating':
await _task.onSetRating(
Rating._fromRaw(call.arguments[0]), call.arguments[1]);
case 'onSeekBackward':
final List args = call.arguments;
await _task.onSeekBackward(args[0]);
case 'onSeekForward':
final List args = call.arguments;
await _task.onSeekForward(args[0]);
case 'onSetSpeed':
final List args = call.arguments;
double speed = args[0];
await _task.onSetSpeed(speed);
case 'onTaskRemoved':
await _task.onTaskRemoved();
case 'onClose':
await _task.onClose();
if (call.method.startsWith(_CUSTOM_PREFIX)) {
final result = await _task.onCustomAction(
call.method.substring(_CUSTOM_PREFIX.length), call.arguments);
return result;
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
throw PlatformException(code: '$e');
Map startParams = await _backgroundChannel.invokeMethod('ready');
Duration fastForwardInterval =
Duration(milliseconds: startParams['fastForwardInterval']);
Duration rewindInterval =
Duration(milliseconds: startParams['rewindInterval']);
Map<String, dynamic> params =
startParams['params']?.cast<String, dynamic>();
fastForwardInterval: fastForwardInterval,
rewindInterval: rewindInterval,
try {
await _task.onStart(params);
} catch (e) {} finally {
// For now, we return successfully from AudioService.start regardless of
// whether an exception occurred in onStart.
await _backgroundChannel.invokeMethod('started');
/// Shuts down the background audio task within the background isolate.
static Future<void> _shutdown() async {
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
if (!_running) return;
// Set this to false immediately so that if duplicate shutdown requests come
// through, they are ignored.
_running = false;
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
final audioSession = await AudioSession.instance;
try {
await audioSession.setActive(false);
} catch (e) {
print("While deactivating audio session: $e");
await _backgroundChannel.invokeMethod('stopped');
if (kIsWeb) {
} else if (Platform.isIOS) {
_state = _noneState;
/// Broadcasts to all clients the current state, including:
/// * Whether media is playing or paused
/// * Whether media is buffering or skipping
/// * The current position, buffered position and speed
/// * The current set of media actions that should be enabled
/// Connected clients will use this information to update their UI.
/// You should use [controls] to specify the set of clickable buttons that
/// should currently be visible in the notification in the current state,
/// where each button is a [MediaControl] that triggers a different
/// [MediaAction]. Only the following actions can be enabled as
/// [MediaControl]s:
/// * [MediaAction.stop]
/// * [MediaAction.pause]
/// * []
/// * [MediaAction.rewind]
/// * [MediaAction.skipToPrevious]
/// * [MediaAction.skipToNext]
/// * [MediaAction.fastForward]
/// * [MediaAction.playPause]
/// Any other action you would like to enable for clients that is not a clickable
/// notification button should be specified in the [systemActions] parameter. For
/// example:
/// * [MediaAction.seekTo] (enable a seek bar)
/// * [MediaAction.seekForward] (enable press-and-hold fast-forward control)
/// * [MediaAction.seekBackward] (enable press-and-hold rewind control)
/// In practice, iOS will treat all entries in [controls] and [systemActions]
/// in the same way since you cannot customise the icons of controls in the
/// Control Center. However, on Android, the distinction is important as clickable
/// buttons in the notification require you to specify your own icon.
/// Note that specifying [MediaAction.seekTo] in [systemActions] will enable
/// a seek bar in both the Android notification and the iOS control center.
/// [MediaAction.seekForward] and [MediaAction.seekBackward] have a special
/// behaviour on iOS in which if you have already enabled the
/// [MediaAction.skipToNext] and [MediaAction.skipToPrevious] buttons, these
/// additional actions will allow the user to press and hold the buttons to
/// activate the continuous seeking behaviour.
/// On Android, a media notification has a compact and expanded form. In the
/// compact view, you can optionally specify the indices of up to 3 of your
/// [controls] that you would like to be shown.
/// The playback [position] should NOT be updated continuously in real time.
/// Instead, it should be updated only when the normal continuity of time is
/// disrupted, such as during a seek, buffering and seeking. When
/// broadcasting such a position change, the [updateTime] specifies the time
/// of that change, allowing clients to project the realtime value of the
/// position as `position + ( - updateTime)`. As a convenience,
/// this calculation is provided by [PlaybackState.currentPosition].
/// The playback [speed] is given as a double where 1.0 means normal speed.
static Future<void> setState({
@required List<MediaControl> controls,
List<MediaAction> systemActions = const [],
@required AudioProcessingState processingState,
@required bool playing,
Duration position =,
Duration bufferedPosition =,
double speed = 1.0,
Duration updateTime,
List<int> androidCompactActions,
AudioServiceRepeatMode repeatMode = AudioServiceRepeatMode.none,
AudioServiceShuffleMode shuffleMode = AudioServiceShuffleMode.none,
}) async {
_state = PlaybackState(
processingState: processingState,
playing: playing,
actions: => control.action).toSet(),
position: position,
bufferedPosition: bufferedPosition,
speed: speed,
updateTime: updateTime,
repeatMode: repeatMode,
shuffleMode: shuffleMode,
List<Map> rawControls = controls
.map((control) => {
'androidIcon': control.androidIcon,
'label': control.label,
'action': control.action.index,
final rawSystemActions = => action.index).toList();
await _backgroundChannel.invokeMethod('setState', [
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
processingState?.index ?? AudioProcessingState.none.index,
playing ?? false,
position?.inMilliseconds ?? 0,
bufferedPosition?.inMilliseconds ?? 0,
speed ?? 1.0,
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
repeatMode?.index ?? AudioServiceRepeatMode.none.index,
shuffleMode?.index ?? AudioServiceShuffleMode.none.index,
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
/// Sets the current queue and notifies all clients.
static Future<void> setQueue(List<MediaItem> queue,
{bool preloadArtwork = false}) async {
_queue = queue;
if (preloadArtwork) {
await _backgroundChannel.invokeMethod(
'setQueue', => item.toJson()).toList());
/// Sets the currently playing media item and notifies all clients.
static Future<void> setMediaItem(MediaItem mediaItem) async {
_mediaItem = mediaItem;
if (mediaItem.artUri != null) {
// We potentially need to fetch the art.
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
String filePath = _getLocalPath(mediaItem.artUri);
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
if (filePath == null) {
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
final fileInfo = _cacheManager.getFileFromMemory(mediaItem.artUri);
filePath = fileInfo?.file?.path;
if (filePath == null) {
// We haven't fetched the art yet, so show the metadata now, and again
// after we load the art.
await _backgroundChannel.invokeMethod(
'setMediaItem', mediaItem.toJson());
// Load the art
filePath = await _loadArtwork(mediaItem);
// If we failed to download the art, abort.
if (filePath == null) return;
// If we've already set a new media item, cancel this request.
if (mediaItem != _mediaItem) return;
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
final extras = Map.of(mediaItem.extras ?? <String, dynamic>{});
extras['artCacheFile'] = filePath;
final platformMediaItem = mediaItem.copyWith(extras: extras);
// Show the media item after the art is loaded.
await _backgroundChannel.invokeMethod(
'setMediaItem', platformMediaItem.toJson());
} else {
await _backgroundChannel.invokeMethod('setMediaItem', mediaItem.toJson());
static Future<void> _loadAllArtwork(List<MediaItem> queue) async {
for (var mediaItem in queue) {
await _loadArtwork(mediaItem);
static Future<String> _loadArtwork(MediaItem mediaItem) async {
try {
final artUri = mediaItem.artUri;
if (artUri != null) {
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
String local = _getLocalPath(artUri);
if (local != null) {
return local;
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
} else {
final file = await _cacheManager.getSingleFile(mediaItem.artUri);
return file.path;
} catch (e) {}
return null;
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
static String _getLocalPath(String artUri) {
const prefix = "file://";
if (artUri.toLowerCase().startsWith(prefix)) {
return artUri.substring(prefix.length);
return null;
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
/// Notifies clients that the child media items of [parentMediaId] have
/// changed.
/// If [parentMediaId] is unspecified, the root parent will be used.
static Future<void> notifyChildrenChanged(
[String parentMediaId = AudioService.MEDIA_ROOT_ID]) async {
await _backgroundChannel.invokeMethod(
'notifyChildrenChanged', parentMediaId);
/// In Android, forces media button events to be routed to your active media
/// session.
/// This is necessary if you want to play TextToSpeech in the background and
/// still respond to media button events. You should call it just before
/// playing TextToSpeech.
/// This is not necessary if you are playing normal audio in the background
/// such as music because this kind of "normal" audio playback will
/// automatically qualify your app to receive media button events.
static Future<void> androidForceEnableMediaButtons() async {
await _backgroundChannel.invokeMethod('androidForceEnableMediaButtons');
/// Sends a custom event to the Flutter UI.
/// The event parameter can contain any data permitted by Dart's
/// SendPort/ReceivePort API. Please consult the relevant documentation for
/// further information.
static void sendCustomEvent(dynamic event) {
if (!AudioService.usesIsolate) {
} else {
SendPort sendPort =
/// An audio task that can run in the background and react to audio events.
/// You should subclass [BackgroundAudioTask] and override the callbacks for
/// each type of event that your background task wishes to react to. At a
/// minimum, you must override [onStart] and [onStop] to handle initialising
/// and shutting down the audio task.
abstract class BackgroundAudioTask {
final BaseCacheManager cacheManager;
Duration _fastForwardInterval;
Duration _rewindInterval;
/// Subclasses may supply a [cacheManager] to manage the loading of artwork,
/// or an instance of [DefaultCacheManager] will be used by default.
BackgroundAudioTask({BaseCacheManager cacheManager})
: this.cacheManager = cacheManager ?? DefaultCacheManager();
/// The fast forward interval passed into [AudioService.start].
Duration get fastForwardInterval => _fastForwardInterval;
/// The rewind interval passed into [AudioService.start].
Duration get rewindInterval => _rewindInterval;
/// Called once when this audio task is first started and ready to play
/// audio, in response to [AudioService.start]. [params] will contain any
/// params passed into [AudioService.start] when starting this background
/// audio task.
Future<void> onStart(Map<String, dynamic> params) async {}
/// Called when a client has requested to terminate this background audio
/// task, in response to [AudioService.stop]. You should implement this
/// method to stop playing audio and dispose of any resources used.
/// If you override this, make sure your method ends with a call to `await
/// super.onStop()`. The isolate containing this task will shut down as soon
/// as this method completes.
Future<void> onStop() async {
await AudioServiceBackground._shutdown();
/// Called when a media browser client, such as Android Auto, wants to query
/// the available media items to display to the user.
Future<List<MediaItem>> onLoadChildren(String parentMediaId) async => [];
/// Called when the media button on the headset is pressed, or in response to
/// a call from []. The default behaviour is:
/// * On [], toggle [onPlay] and [onPause].
/// * On [], call [onSkipToNext].
/// * On [MediaButton.previous], call [onSkipToPrevious].
Future<void> onClick(MediaButton button) async {
switch (button) {
if (AudioServiceBackground.state?.playing == true) {
await onPause();
} else {
await onPlay();
await onSkipToNext();
case MediaButton.previous:
await onSkipToPrevious();
/// Called when a client has requested to pause audio playback, such as via a
/// call to [AudioService.pause]. You should implement this method to pause
/// audio playback and also broadcast the appropriate state change via
/// [AudioServiceBackground.setState].
Future<void> onPause() async {}
/// Called when a client has requested to prepare audio for playback, such as
/// via a call to [AudioService.prepare].
Future<void> onPrepare() async {}
/// Called when a client has requested to prepare a specific media item for
/// audio playback, such as via a call to [AudioService.prepareFromMediaId].
Future<void> onPrepareFromMediaId(String mediaId) async {}
/// Called when a client has requested to resume audio playback, such as via
/// a call to []. You should implement this method to play
/// audio and also broadcast the appropriate state change via
/// [AudioServiceBackground.setState].
Future<void> onPlay() async {}
/// Called when a client has requested to play a media item by its ID, such
/// as via a call to [AudioService.playFromMediaId]. You should implement
/// this method to play audio and also broadcast the appropriate state change
/// via [AudioServiceBackground.setState].
Future<void> onPlayFromMediaId(String mediaId) async {}
/// Called when the Flutter UI has requested to play a given media item via a
/// call to [AudioService.playMediaItem]. You should implement this method to
/// play audio and also broadcast the appropriate state change via
/// [AudioServiceBackground.setState].
/// Note: This method can only be triggered by your Flutter UI. Peripheral
/// devices such as Android Auto will instead trigger
/// [AudioService.onPlayFromMediaId].
Future<void> onPlayMediaItem(MediaItem mediaItem) async {}
/// Called when a client has requested to add a media item to the queue, such
/// as via a call to [AudioService.addQueueItem].
Future<void> onAddQueueItem(MediaItem mediaItem) async {}
/// Called when the Flutter UI has requested to set a new queue.
/// If you use a queue, your implementation of this method should call
/// [AudioServiceBackground.setQueue] to notify all clients that the queue
/// has changed.
Future<void> onUpdateQueue(List<MediaItem> queue) async {}
/// Called when the Flutter UI has requested to update the details of
/// a media item.
Future<void> onUpdateMediaItem(MediaItem mediaItem) async {}
/// Called when a client has requested to add a media item to the queue at a
/// specified position, such as via a request to
/// [AudioService.addQueueItemAt].
Future<void> onAddQueueItemAt(MediaItem mediaItem, int index) async {}
/// Called when a client has requested to remove a media item from the queue,
/// such as via a request to [AudioService.removeQueueItem].
Future<void> onRemoveQueueItem(MediaItem mediaItem) async {}
/// Called when a client has requested to skip to the next item in the queue,
/// such as via a request to [AudioService.skipToNext].
/// By default, calls [onSkipToQueueItem] with the queue item after
/// [AudioServiceBackground.mediaItem] if it exists.
Future<void> onSkipToNext() => _skip(1);
/// Called when a client has requested to skip to the previous item in the
/// queue, such as via a request to [AudioService.skipToPrevious].
/// By default, calls [onSkipToQueueItem] with the queue item before
/// [AudioServiceBackground.mediaItem] if it exists.
Future<void> onSkipToPrevious() => _skip(-1);
/// Called when a client has requested to fast forward, such as via a
/// request to [AudioService.fastForward]. An implementation of this callback
/// can use the [fastForwardInterval] property to determine how much audio
/// to skip.
Future<void> onFastForward() async {}
/// Called when a client has requested to rewind, such as via a request to
/// [AudioService.rewind]. An implementation of this callback can use the
/// [rewindInterval] property to determine how much audio to skip.
Future<void> onRewind() async {}
/// Called when a client has requested to skip to a specific item in the
/// queue, such as via a call to [AudioService.skipToQueueItem].
Future<void> onSkipToQueueItem(String mediaId) async {}
/// Called when a client has requested to seek to a position, such as via a
/// call to [AudioService.seekTo]. If your implementation of seeking causes
/// buffering to occur, consider broadcasting a buffering state via
/// [AudioServiceBackground.setState] while the seek is in progress.
Future<void> onSeekTo(Duration position) async {}
/// Called when a client has requested to rate the current media item, such as
/// via a call to [AudioService.setRating].
Future<void> onSetRating(Rating rating, Map<dynamic, dynamic> extras) async {}
/// Called when a client has requested to change the current repeat mode.
Future<void> onSetRepeatMode(AudioServiceRepeatMode repeatMode) async {}
/// Called when a client has requested to change the current shuffle mode.
Future<void> onSetShuffleMode(AudioServiceShuffleMode shuffleMode) async {}
/// Called when a client has requested to either begin or end seeking
/// backward.
Future<void> onSeekBackward(bool begin) async {}
/// Called when a client has requested to either begin or end seeking
/// forward.
Future<void> onSeekForward(bool begin) async {}
/// Called when the Flutter UI has requested to set the speed of audio
/// playback. An implementation of this callback should change the audio
/// speed and broadcast the speed change to all clients via
/// [AudioServiceBackground.setState].
Future<void> onSetSpeed(double speed) async {}
/// Called when a custom action has been sent by the client via
/// [AudioService.customAction]. The result of this method will be returned
/// to the client.
Future<dynamic> onCustomAction(String name, dynamic arguments) async {}
/// Called on Android when the user swipes away your app's task in the task
/// manager. Note that if you use the `androidStopForegroundOnPause` option to
/// [AudioService.start], then when your audio is paused, the operating
/// system moves your service to a lower priority level where it can be
/// destroyed at any time to reclaim memory. If the user swipes away your
/// task under these conditions, the operating system will destroy your
/// service, and you may override this method to do any cleanup. For example:
/// ```dart
/// void onTaskRemoved() {
/// if (!AudioServiceBackground.state.playing) {
/// onStop();
/// }
/// }
/// ```
Future<void> onTaskRemoved() async {}
/// Called on Android when the user swipes away the notification. The default
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
/// implementation (which you may override) calls [onStop]. Note that by
/// default, the service runs in the foreground state which (despite the name)
/// allows the service to run at a high priority in the background without the
/// operating system killing it. While in the foreground state, the
/// notification cannot be swiped away. You can pass a parameter value of
/// `true` for `androidStopForegroundOnPause` in the [AudioService.start]
/// method if you would like the service to exit the foreground state when
/// playback is paused. This will allow the user to swipe the notification
/// away while playback is paused (but it will also allow the operating system
/// to kill your service at any time to free up resources).
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
Future<void> onClose() => onStop();
void _setParams({
Duration fastForwardInterval,
Duration rewindInterval,
}) {
_fastForwardInterval = fastForwardInterval;
_rewindInterval = rewindInterval;
Future<void> _skip(int offset) async {
final mediaItem = AudioServiceBackground.mediaItem;
if (mediaItem == null) return;
final queue = AudioServiceBackground.queue ?? [];
int i = queue.indexOf(mediaItem);
if (i == -1) return;
int newIndex = i + offset;
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
if (newIndex >= 0 && newIndex < queue.length)
await onSkipToQueueItem(queue[newIndex]?.id);
2020-09-18 17:25:00 +00:00
_iosIsolateEntrypoint(int rawHandle) async {
ui.CallbackHandle handle = ui.CallbackHandle.fromRawHandle(rawHandle);
Function backgroundTask = ui.PluginUtilities.getCallbackFromHandle(handle);
/// A widget that maintains a connection to [AudioService].
/// Insert this widget at the top of your `/` route's widget tree to maintain
/// the connection across all routes. e.g.
/// ```
/// return MaterialApp(
/// home: AudioServiceWidget(MainScreen()),
/// );
/// ```
/// Note that this widget will not work if it wraps around [MateriaApp] itself,
/// you must place it in the widget tree within your route.
class AudioServiceWidget extends StatefulWidget {
final Widget child;
AudioServiceWidget({@required this.child});
_AudioServiceWidgetState createState() => _AudioServiceWidgetState();
class _AudioServiceWidgetState extends State<AudioServiceWidget>
with WidgetsBindingObserver {
void initState() {
void dispose() {
void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
switch (state) {
case AppLifecycleState.resumed:
case AppLifecycleState.paused:
Future<bool> didPopRoute() async {
return false;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return widget.child;
enum AudioServiceShuffleMode { none, all, group }
enum AudioServiceRepeatMode { none, one, all, group }
2020-10-11 20:05:18 +00:00
class _AsyncTaskQueue {
final _queuedAsyncTaskController = StreamController<_AsyncTaskQueueEntry>();
_AsyncTaskQueue() {
Future<void> _process() async {
await for (var entry in {
try {
final result = await entry.asyncTask();
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
entry.completer.completeError(e, stacktrace);
Future<dynamic> schedule(_AsyncTask asyncTask) async {
final completer = Completer<dynamic>();
_queuedAsyncTaskController.add(_AsyncTaskQueueEntry(asyncTask, completer));
return completer.future;
class _AsyncTaskQueueEntry {
final _AsyncTask asyncTask;
final Completer completer;
_AsyncTaskQueueEntry(this.asyncTask, this.completer);
typedef _AsyncTask = Future<dynamic> Function();