
531 lines
18 KiB

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
/// An object to manage playing audio from a URL, a locale file or an asset.
/// ```
/// final player = AudioPlayer();
/// await player.setUrl('https://foo.com/bar.mp3');
/// player.play();
/// player.pause();
/// player.play();
/// await player.stop();
/// await player.setClip(start: Duration(seconds: 10), end: Duration(seconds: 20));
/// await player.play();
/// await player.setUrl('https://foo.com/baz.mp3');
/// await player.seek(Duration(minutes: 5));
/// player.play();
/// await player.stop();
/// await player.dispose();
/// ```
/// You must call [dispose] to release the resources used by this player,
/// including any temporary files created to cache assets.
/// The [AudioPlayer] instance transitions through different states as follows:
/// * [AudioPlaybackState.none]: immediately after instantiation and [dispose].
/// * [AudioPlaybackState.stopped]: eventually after [setUrl], [setFilePath],
/// [setAsset] or [setClip] completes, and immediately after [stop].
/// * [AudioPlaybackState.paused]: after [pause].
/// * [AudioPlaybackState.playing]: after [play].
/// * [AudioPlaybackState.connecting]: immediately after [setUrl],
/// [setFilePath] and [setAsset] while waiting for the media to load.
/// * [AudioPlaybackState.completed]: immediately after playback reaches the
/// end of the media or the end of the clip.
/// Additionally, after a [seek] request completes, the state will return to
/// whatever state the player was in prior to the seek request.
class AudioPlayer {
static final _mainChannel = MethodChannel('com.ryanheise.just_audio.methods');
static Future<MethodChannel> _init(int id) async {
await _mainChannel.invokeMethod('init', ['$id']);
return MethodChannel('com.ryanheise.just_audio.methods.$id');
final Future<MethodChannel> _channel;
final int _id;
Duration _duration;
Future<Duration> _durationFuture;
final _durationSubject = BehaviorSubject<Duration>();
// TODO: also broadcast this event on instantiation.
AudioPlaybackEvent _audioPlaybackEvent = AudioPlaybackEvent(
state: AudioPlaybackState.none,
buffering: false,
updatePosition: Duration.zero,
updateTime: Duration.zero,
bufferedPosition: Duration.zero,
speed: 1.0,
duration: Duration.zero,
icyMetadata: IcyMetadata(
info: IcyInfo(title: null, url: null),
headers: IcyHeaders(
bitrate: null,
genre: null,
name: null,
metadataInterval: null,
url: null,
isPublic: null)),
Stream<AudioPlaybackEvent> _eventChannelStream;
StreamSubscription<AudioPlaybackEvent> _eventChannelStreamSubscription;
final _playbackEventSubject = BehaviorSubject<AudioPlaybackEvent>();
final _playbackStateSubject = BehaviorSubject<AudioPlaybackState>();
final _bufferingSubject = BehaviorSubject<bool>();
final _bufferedPositionSubject = BehaviorSubject<Duration>();
final _icyMetadataSubject = BehaviorSubject<IcyMetadata>();
final _fullPlaybackStateSubject = BehaviorSubject<FullAudioPlaybackState>();
double _volume = 1.0;
double _speed = 1.0;
bool _automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling = true;
File _cacheFile;
/// Creates an [AudioPlayer].
factory AudioPlayer() =>
AudioPlayer._internal(this._id) : _channel = _init(_id) {
_eventChannelStream = EventChannel('com.ryanheise.just_audio.events.$_id')
.map((data) => _audioPlaybackEvent = AudioPlaybackEvent(
state: AudioPlaybackState.values[data[0]],
buffering: data[1],
updatePosition: Duration(milliseconds: data[2]),
updateTime: Duration(milliseconds: data[3]),
bufferedPosition: Duration(milliseconds: data[4]),
speed: _speed,
duration: _duration,
icyMetadata: IcyMetadata(
info: IcyInfo(title: data[5][0][0], url: data[5][0][1]),
headers: IcyHeaders(
bitrate: data[5][1][0],
genre: data[5][1][1],
name: data[5][1][2],
metadataInterval: data[5][1][3],
url: data[5][1][4],
isPublic: data[5][1][5])),
_eventChannelStreamSubscription =
.addStream(playbackEventStream.map((state) => state.state).distinct());
playbackEventStream.map((state) => state.buffering).distinct());
playbackEventStream.map((state) => state.bufferedPosition).distinct());
playbackEventStream.map((state) => state.icyMetadata).distinct());
bool, IcyMetadata, FullAudioPlaybackState>(
(state, buffering, icyMetadata) =>
FullAudioPlaybackState(state, buffering, icyMetadata)));
/// The duration of any media set via [setUrl], [setFilePath] or [setAsset],
/// or null otherwise.
Future<Duration> get durationFuture => _durationFuture;
/// The duration of any media set via [setUrl], [setFilePath] or [setAsset].
Stream<Duration> get durationStream => _durationSubject.stream;
/// The latest [AudioPlaybackEvent].
AudioPlaybackEvent get playbackEvent => _audioPlaybackEvent;
/// A stream of [AudioPlaybackEvent]s.
Stream<AudioPlaybackEvent> get playbackEventStream =>
/// The current [AudioPlaybackState].
AudioPlaybackState get playbackState => _audioPlaybackEvent.state;
/// A stream of [AudioPlaybackState]s.
Stream<AudioPlaybackState> get playbackStateStream =>
/// Whether the player is buffering.
bool get buffering => _audioPlaybackEvent.buffering;
IcyMetadata get icyMetadata => _audioPlaybackEvent.icyMetadata;
/// A stream of buffering state changes.
Stream<bool> get bufferingStream => _bufferingSubject.stream;
Stream<IcyMetadata> get icyMetadataStream => _icyMetadataSubject.stream;
/// A stream of buffered positions.
Stream<Duration> get bufferedPositionStream =>
/// A stream of [FullAudioPlaybackState]s.
Stream<FullAudioPlaybackState> get fullPlaybackStateStream =>
/// A stream periodically tracking the current position of this player.
Stream<Duration> getPositionStream(
[final Duration period = const Duration(milliseconds: 200)]) =>
Rx.combineLatest2<AudioPlaybackEvent, void, Duration>(
// TODO: emit periodically only in playing state.
(state, _) => state.position).distinct();
/// The current volume of the player.
double get volume => _volume;
/// The current speed of the player.
double get speed => _speed;
/// Whether the player should automatically delay playback in order to minimize stalling. (iOS 10.0 or later only)
bool get automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling =>
/// Loads audio media from a URL and completes with the duration of that
/// audio, or null if this call was interrupted by another call so [setUrl],
/// [setFilePath] or [setAsset].
Future<Duration> setUrl(final String url) async {
try {
_durationFuture = _invokeMethod('setUrl', [url])
.then((ms) => ms == null ? null : Duration(milliseconds: ms));
_duration = await _durationFuture;
return _duration;
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
return Future.error(e.message);
/// Loads audio media from a file and completes with the duration of that
/// audio, or null if this call was interrupted by another call so [setUrl],
/// [setFilePath] or [setAsset].
Future<Duration> setFilePath(final String filePath) => setUrl(
Platform.isAndroid ? File(filePath).uri.toString() : 'file://$filePath');
/// Loads audio media from an asset and completes with the duration of that
/// audio, or null if this call was interrupted by another call so [setUrl],
/// [setFilePath] or [setAsset].
Future<Duration> setAsset(final String assetPath) async {
final file = await _getCacheFile(assetPath);
this._cacheFile = file;
if (!file.existsSync()) {
await file.create(recursive: true);
await file
.writeAsBytes((await rootBundle.load(assetPath)).buffer.asUint8List());
return await setFilePath(file.path);
/// Get file for caching asset media with proper extension
Future<File> _getCacheFile(final String assetPath) async => File(p.join(
(await getTemporaryDirectory()).path,
/// Clip the audio to the given [start] and [end] timestamps. This method
/// cannot be called from the [AudioPlaybackState.none] state.
Future<Duration> setClip({Duration start, Duration end}) async {
_durationFuture =
_invokeMethod('setClip', [start?.inMilliseconds, end?.inMilliseconds])
.then((ms) => ms == null ? null : Duration(milliseconds: ms));
final duration = await _durationFuture;
return duration;
/// Plays the currently loaded media from the current position. The [Future]
/// returned by this method completes when playback completes or is paused or
/// stopped. This method can be called from any state except for:
/// * [AudioPlaybackState.connecting]
/// * [AudioPlaybackState.none]
Future<void> play() async {
switch (playbackState) {
case AudioPlaybackState.playing:
case AudioPlaybackState.stopped:
case AudioPlaybackState.completed:
case AudioPlaybackState.paused:
// Update local state immediately so that queries aren't surprised.
_audioPlaybackEvent = _audioPlaybackEvent.copyWith(
state: AudioPlaybackState.playing,
StreamSubscription subscription;
Completer completer = Completer();
bool startedPlaying = false;
subscription = playbackStateStream.listen((state) {
// TODO: It will be more reliable to let the platform
// side wait for completion since events on the flutter
// side can lag behind the platform side.
if (startedPlaying &&
(state == AudioPlaybackState.paused ||
state == AudioPlaybackState.stopped ||
state == AudioPlaybackState.completed)) {
} else if (state == AudioPlaybackState.playing) {
startedPlaying = true;
await _invokeMethod('play');
await completer.future;
throw Exception(
"Cannot call play from connecting/none states ($playbackState)");
/// Pauses the currently playing media. It is legal to invoke this method
/// only from the [AudioPlaybackState.playing] state.
Future<void> pause() async {
switch (playbackState) {
case AudioPlaybackState.paused:
case AudioPlaybackState.playing:
// Update local state immediately so that queries aren't surprised.
_audioPlaybackEvent = _audioPlaybackEvent.copyWith(
state: AudioPlaybackState.paused,
// TODO: For pause, perhaps modify platform side to ensure new state
// is broadcast before this method returns.
await _invokeMethod('pause');
throw Exception(
"Can call pause only from playing and buffering states ($playbackState)");
/// Stops the currently playing media such that the next [play] invocation
/// will start from position 0. It is legal to invoke this method only from
/// the following states:
/// * [AudioPlaybackState.playing]
/// * [AudioPlaybackState.paused]
/// * [AudioPlaybackState.completed]
Future<void> stop() async {
switch (playbackState) {
case AudioPlaybackState.stopped:
case AudioPlaybackState.connecting:
case AudioPlaybackState.completed:
case AudioPlaybackState.playing:
case AudioPlaybackState.paused:
// Update local state immediately so that queries aren't surprised.
// NOTE: Android implementation already handles this.
// TODO: Do the same for iOS so the line below becomes unnecessary.
_audioPlaybackEvent = _audioPlaybackEvent.copyWith(
state: AudioPlaybackState.paused,
await _invokeMethod('stop');
throw Exception("Cannot call stop from none state");
/// Sets the volume of this player, where 1.0 is normal volume.
Future<void> setVolume(final double volume) async {
_volume = volume;
await _invokeMethod('setVolume', [volume]);
/// Sets the playback speed of this player, where 1.0 is normal speed.
Future<void> setSpeed(final double speed) async {
_speed = speed;
await _invokeMethod('setSpeed', [speed]);
/// Sets automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling for AVPlayer in iOS 10.0 or later, defaults to true.
/// Has no effect on Android clients
Future<void> setAutomaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling(
final bool automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling) async {
_automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling =
await _invokeMethod('setAutomaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling',
/// Seeks to a particular position. It is legal to invoke this method from
/// any state except for [AudioPlaybackState.none] and
/// [AudioPlaybackState.connecting].
Future<void> seek(final Duration position) async {
await _invokeMethod('seek', [position.inMilliseconds]);
/// Release all resources associated with this player. You must invoke this
/// after you are done with the player. This method can be invoked from any
/// state except for:
/// * [AudioPlaybackState.none]
/// * [AudioPlaybackState.connecting]
Future<void> dispose() async {
if (this._cacheFile?.existsSync() ?? false) {
await _invokeMethod('dispose');
await _durationSubject.close();
await _eventChannelStreamSubscription.cancel();
await _playbackEventSubject.close();
Future<dynamic> _invokeMethod(String method, [dynamic args]) async =>
(await _channel).invokeMethod(method, args);
/// Encapsulates the playback state and current position of the player.
class AudioPlaybackEvent {
/// The current playback state.
final AudioPlaybackState state;
/// Whether the player is buffering.
final bool buffering;
/// When the last time a position discontinuity happened, as measured in time
/// since the epoch.
final Duration updateTime;
/// The position at [updateTime].
final Duration updatePosition;
/// The buffer position.
final Duration bufferedPosition;
/// The playback speed.
final double speed;
/// The media duration.
final Duration duration;
final IcyMetadata icyMetadata;
@required this.state,
@required this.buffering,
@required this.updateTime,
@required this.updatePosition,
@required this.bufferedPosition,
@required this.speed,
@required this.duration,
@required this.icyMetadata,
AudioPlaybackEvent copyWith({
AudioPlaybackState state,
bool buffering,
Duration updateTime,
Duration updatePosition,
Duration bufferedPosition,
double speed,
Duration duration,
}) =>
state: state ?? this.state,
buffering: buffering ?? this.buffering,
updateTime: updateTime ?? this.updateTime,
updatePosition: updatePosition ?? this.updatePosition,
bufferedPosition: bufferedPosition ?? this.bufferedPosition,
speed: speed ?? this.speed,
duration: duration ?? this.duration,
/// The current position of the player.
Duration get position {
if (state == AudioPlaybackState.playing && !buffering) {
final result = updatePosition +
(Duration(milliseconds: DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch) -
updateTime) *
return result <= duration ? result : duration;
} else {
return updatePosition;
String toString() =>
"{state=$state, updateTime=$updateTime, updatePosition=$updatePosition, speed=$speed}";
/// Enumerates the different playback states of a player.
/// If you also need access to the buffering state, use
/// [FullAudioPlaybackState].
enum AudioPlaybackState {
/// Encapsulates the playback state and the buffering state.
/// These two states vary orthogonally, and so if [buffering] is true, you can
/// check [state] to determine whether this buffering is occurring during the
/// playing state or the paused state.
class FullAudioPlaybackState {
final AudioPlaybackState state;
final bool buffering;
final IcyMetadata icyMetadata;
FullAudioPlaybackState(this.state, this.buffering, this.icyMetadata);
class IcyInfo {
final String title;
final String url;
IcyInfo({@required this.title, @required this.url});
class IcyHeaders {
final int bitrate;
final String genre;
final String name;
final int metadataInterval;
final String url;
final bool isPublic;
{@required this.bitrate,
@required this.genre,
@required this.name,
@required this.metadataInterval,
@required this.url,
@required this.isPublic});
class IcyMetadata {
final IcyInfo info;
final IcyHeaders headers;
IcyMetadata({@required this.info, @required this.headers});