
1444 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2019-11-25 14:50:21 +00:00
import 'dart:async';
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
2019-11-25 14:50:21 +00:00
2020-08-21 02:23:39 +00:00
import 'package:audio_session/audio_session.dart';
2020-06-07 14:20:52 +00:00
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
2019-11-25 14:50:21 +00:00
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart';
final _uuid = Uuid();
2019-11-25 14:50:21 +00:00
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// An object to manage playing audio from a URL, a locale file or an asset.
/// ```
/// final player = AudioPlayer();
/// await player.setUrl('https://foo.com/bar.mp3');
2019-11-30 15:52:54 +00:00
/// player.play();
/// await player.pause();
2019-12-31 09:38:46 +00:00
/// await player.setClip(start: Duration(seconds: 10), end: Duration(seconds: 20));
/// await player.play();
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// await player.setUrl('https://foo.com/baz.mp3');
/// await player.seek(Duration(minutes: 5));
2019-11-30 15:52:54 +00:00
/// player.play();
/// await player.pause();
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// await player.dispose();
/// ```
/// You must call [dispose] to release the resources used by this player,
/// including any temporary files created to cache assets.
2019-11-25 14:50:21 +00:00
class AudioPlayer {
2019-11-30 15:52:54 +00:00
static final _mainChannel = MethodChannel('com.ryanheise.just_audio.methods');
2019-11-25 14:50:21 +00:00
static Future<MethodChannel> _init(String id) async {
await _mainChannel.invokeMethod('init', [id]);
2019-11-28 06:55:32 +00:00
return MethodChannel('com.ryanheise.just_audio.methods.$id');
2019-11-25 14:50:21 +00:00
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
final Future<MethodChannel> _channel;
final String _id;
_ProxyHttpServer _proxy;
Stream<PlaybackEvent> _eventChannelStream;
AudioSource _audioSource;
Map<String, AudioSource> _audioSources = {};
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
PlaybackEvent _playbackEvent;
StreamSubscription<PlaybackEvent> _eventChannelStreamSubscription;
final _playbackEventSubject = BehaviorSubject<PlaybackEvent>();
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
Future<Duration> _durationFuture;
final _durationSubject = BehaviorSubject<Duration>();
final _processingStateSubject = BehaviorSubject<ProcessingState>();
final _playingSubject = BehaviorSubject.seeded(false);
final _volumeSubject = BehaviorSubject.seeded(1.0);
final _speedSubject = BehaviorSubject.seeded(1.0);
2020-03-07 08:41:40 +00:00
final _bufferedPositionSubject = BehaviorSubject<Duration>();
final _icyMetadataSubject = BehaviorSubject<IcyMetadata>();
final _playerStateSubject = BehaviorSubject<PlayerState>();
final _sequenceSubject = BehaviorSubject<List<IndexedAudioSource>>();
final _currentIndexSubject = BehaviorSubject<int>();
final _sequenceStateSubject = BehaviorSubject<SequenceState>();
final _loopModeSubject = BehaviorSubject<LoopMode>();
final _shuffleModeEnabledSubject = BehaviorSubject<bool>();
final _androidAudioSessionIdSubject = BehaviorSubject<int>();
BehaviorSubject<Duration> _positionSubject;
bool _automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling = true;
2020-08-21 02:23:39 +00:00
bool _playInterrupted = false;
2020-08-25 05:17:49 +00:00
/// Creates an [AudioPlayer]. The player will automatically pause/duck and
/// resume/unduck when audio interruptions occur (e.g. a phone call) or when
/// headphones are unplugged. If you wish to handle audio interruptions
/// manually, set [handleInterruptions] to `false` and interface directly
/// with the audio session via the
/// [audio_session](https://pub.dev/packages/audio_session) package.
factory AudioPlayer({bool handleInterruptions = true}) =>
2020-08-21 02:23:39 +00:00
AudioPlayer._internal(_uuid.v4(), handleInterruptions);
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
2020-08-21 02:23:39 +00:00
AudioPlayer._internal(this._id, bool handleInterruptions)
: _channel = _init(_id) {
_playbackEvent = PlaybackEvent(
processingState: ProcessingState.none,
updatePosition: Duration.zero,
updateTime: DateTime.now(),
bufferedPosition: Duration.zero,
duration: null,
icyMetadata: null,
currentIndex: null,
androidAudioSessionId: null,
2019-11-28 06:55:32 +00:00
_eventChannelStream = EventChannel('com.ryanheise.just_audio.events.$_id')
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
.map((data) {
2020-07-27 17:54:00 +00:00
try {
//print("received raw event: $data");
final duration = (data['duration'] ?? -1) < 0
? null
2020-07-27 17:54:00 +00:00
: Duration(milliseconds: data['duration']);
_durationFuture = Future.value(duration);
if (duration != _playbackEvent.duration) {
_playbackEvent = PlaybackEvent(
processingState: ProcessingState.values[data['processingState']],
2020-07-27 17:54:00 +00:00
updatePosition: Duration(milliseconds: data['updatePosition']),
updateTime: DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(data['updateTime']),
2020-07-27 17:54:00 +00:00
bufferedPosition: Duration(milliseconds: data['bufferedPosition']),
duration: duration,
icyMetadata: data['icyMetadata'] == null
? null
: IcyMetadata.fromJson(data['icyMetadata']),
currentIndex: data['currentIndex'],
androidAudioSessionId: data['androidAudioSessionId'],
2020-07-27 17:54:00 +00:00
//print("created event object with state: ${_playbackEvent.state}");
2020-08-21 02:23:39 +00:00
if (handleInterruptions) {
AudioSession.instance.then((session) {
session.becomingNoisyEventStream.listen((_) {
2020-08-21 02:23:39 +00:00
session.interruptionEventStream.listen((event) {
2020-08-21 04:09:24 +00:00
if (event.begin) {
switch (event.type) {
case AudioInterruptionType.duck:
if (session.androidAudioAttributes.usage ==
AndroidAudioUsage.game) {
setVolume(volume / 2);
_playInterrupted = false;
case AudioInterruptionType.pause:
case AudioInterruptionType.unknown:
if (playing) {
2020-08-23 08:00:16 +00:00
// Although pause is async and sets _playInterrupted = false,
2020-08-21 04:09:24 +00:00
// this is done in the sync portion.
_playInterrupted = true;
} else {
switch (event.type) {
case AudioInterruptionType.duck:
setVolume(min(1.0, volume * 2));
_playInterrupted = false;
case AudioInterruptionType.pause:
if (_playInterrupted) play();
_playInterrupted = false;
case AudioInterruptionType.unknown:
_playInterrupted = false;
2020-08-21 02:23:39 +00:00
return _playbackEvent;
2020-07-27 17:54:00 +00:00
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
print("Error parsing event: $e");
.map((event) => event.processingState)
2020-05-20 15:19:03 +00:00
.handleError((err, stack) {/* noop */}));
.map((event) => event.bufferedPosition)
2020-05-20 15:19:03 +00:00
.handleError((err, stack) {/* noop */}));
.map((event) => event.icyMetadata)
2020-05-20 15:19:03 +00:00
.handleError((err, stack) {/* noop */}));
.map((event) => event.currentIndex)
.handleError((err, stack) {/* noop */}));
.map((event) => event.androidAudioSessionId)
.handleError((err, stack) {/* noop */}));
Rx.combineLatest2<List<IndexedAudioSource>, int, SequenceState>(
(sequence, currentIndex) {
if (sequence == null) return null;
if (currentIndex == null) currentIndex = 0;
currentIndex = min(sequence.length - 1, max(0, currentIndex));
return SequenceState(sequence, currentIndex);
).distinct().handleError((err, stack) {/* noop */}));
Rx.combineLatest2<bool, PlaybackEvent, PlayerState>(
(playing, event) => PlayerState(playing, event.processingState))
.handleError((err, stack) {/* noop */}));
_eventChannelStreamSubscription = _eventChannelStream.listen(
onError: _playbackEventSubject.addError,
// Respond to changes to AndroidAudioAttributes configuration.
AudioSession.instance.then((audioSession) {
.map((conf) => conf?.androidAudioAttributes)
.where((attributes) => attributes != null)
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// The latest [PlaybackEvent].
PlaybackEvent get playbackEvent => _playbackEvent;
/// A stream of [PlaybackEvent]s.
Stream<PlaybackEvent> get playbackEventStream => _playbackEventSubject.stream;
/// The duration of the current audio or null if unknown.
Duration get duration => _playbackEvent.duration;
/// The duration of the current audio or null if unknown.
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
Future<Duration> get durationFuture => _durationFuture;
/// The duration of the current audio.
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
Stream<Duration> get durationStream => _durationSubject.stream;
/// The current [ProcessingState].
ProcessingState get processingState => _playbackEvent.processingState;
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// A stream of [ProcessingState]s.
Stream<ProcessingState> get processingStateStream =>
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// Whether the player is playing.
bool get playing => _playingSubject.value;
/// A stream of changing [playing] states.
Stream<bool> get playingStream => _playingSubject.stream;
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// The current volume of the player.
double get volume => _volumeSubject.value;
/// A stream of [volume] changes.
Stream<double> get volumeStream => _volumeSubject.stream;
/// The current speed of the player.
double get speed => _speedSubject.value;
/// A stream of current speed values.
Stream<double> get speedStream => _speedSubject.stream;
/// The position up to which buffered audio is available.
Duration get bufferedPosition => _bufferedPositionSubject.value;
2020-03-07 08:41:40 +00:00
/// A stream of buffered positions.
Stream<Duration> get bufferedPositionStream =>
/// The latest ICY metadata received through the audio source.
IcyMetadata get icyMetadata => _playbackEvent.icyMetadata;
/// A stream of ICY metadata received through the audio source.
Stream<IcyMetadata> get icyMetadataStream => _icyMetadataSubject.stream;
/// The current player state containing only the processing and playing
/// states.
PlayerState get playerState => _playerStateSubject.value;
/// A stream of [PlayerState]s.
Stream<PlayerState> get playerStateStream => _playerStateSubject.stream;
/// The current sequence of indexed audio sources.
List<IndexedAudioSource> get sequence => _sequenceSubject.value;
/// A stream broadcasting the current sequence of indexed audio sources.
Stream<List<IndexedAudioSource>> get sequenceStream =>
/// The index of the current item.
int get currentIndex => _currentIndexSubject.value;
/// A stream broadcasting the current item.
Stream<int> get currentIndexStream => _currentIndexSubject.stream;
/// The current [SequenceState], or `null` if either [sequence]] or
/// [currentIndex] is `null`.
SequenceState get sequenceState => _sequenceStateSubject.value;
/// A stream broadcasting the current [SequenceState].
Stream<SequenceState> get sequenceStateStream => _sequenceStateSubject.stream;
/// Whether there is another item after the current index.
bool get hasNext =>
_audioSource != null &&
currentIndex != null &&
currentIndex + 1 < sequence.length;
/// Whether there is another item before the current index.
bool get hasPrevious =>
_audioSource != null && currentIndex != null && currentIndex > 0;
/// The current loop mode.
LoopMode get loopMode => _loopModeSubject.value;
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// A stream of [LoopMode]s.
Stream<LoopMode> get loopModeStream => _loopModeSubject.stream;
/// Whether shuffle mode is currently enabled.
bool get shuffleModeEnabled => _shuffleModeEnabledSubject.value;
/// A stream of the shuffle mode status.
Stream<bool> get shuffleModeEnabledStream =>
/// The current Android AudioSession ID or `null` if not set.
int get androidAudioSessionId => _playbackEvent.androidAudioSessionId;
/// Broadcasts the current Android AudioSession ID or `null` if not set.
Stream<int> get androidAudioSessionIdStream =>
2020-04-30 13:47:29 +00:00
/// Whether the player should automatically delay playback in order to
/// minimize stalling. (iOS 10.0 or later only)
bool get automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling =>
/// The current position of the player.
Duration get position {
if (playing && processingState == ProcessingState.ready) {
final result = _playbackEvent.updatePosition +
(DateTime.now().difference(_playbackEvent.updateTime)) * speed;
return _playbackEvent.duration == null ||
result <= _playbackEvent.duration
? result
: _playbackEvent.duration;
} else {
return _playbackEvent.updatePosition;
/// A stream tracking the current position of this player, suitable for
/// animating a seek bar. To ensure a smooth animation, this stream emits
/// values more frequently on short items where the seek bar moves more
/// quickly, and less frequenly on long items where the seek bar moves more
/// slowly. The interval between each update will be no quicker than once
/// every 16ms and no slower than once every 200ms.
/// See [createPositionStream] for more control over the stream parameters.
Stream<Duration> get positionStream {
if (_positionSubject == null) {
_positionSubject = BehaviorSubject<Duration>();
steps: 800,
minPeriod: Duration(milliseconds: 16),
maxPeriod: Duration(milliseconds: 200)));
return _positionSubject.stream;
/// Creates a new stream periodically tracking the current position of this
/// player. The stream will aim to emit [steps] position updates from the
/// beginning to the end of the current audio source, at intervals of
/// [duration] / [steps]. This interval will be clipped between [minPeriod]
/// and [maxPeriod]. This stream will not emit values while audio playback is
/// paused or stalled.
/// Note: each time this method is called, a new stream is created. If you
/// intend to use this stream multiple times, you should hold a reference to
/// the returned stream and close it once you are done.
Stream<Duration> createPositionStream({
int steps = 800,
Duration minPeriod = const Duration(milliseconds: 200),
Duration maxPeriod = const Duration(milliseconds: 200),
}) {
assert(minPeriod <= maxPeriod);
assert(minPeriod > Duration.zero);
Duration duration() => this.duration ?? Duration.zero;
Duration step() {
var s = duration() ~/ steps;
if (s < minPeriod) s = minPeriod;
if (s > maxPeriod) s = maxPeriod;
return s;
StreamController<Duration> controller = StreamController.broadcast();
Timer currentTimer;
StreamSubscription durationSubscription;
StreamSubscription playbackEventSubscription;
void yieldPosition(Timer timer) {
if (controller.isClosed) {
if (_durationSubject.isClosed) {
currentTimer = Timer.periodic(step(), yieldPosition);
durationSubscription = durationStream.listen((duration) {
currentTimer = Timer.periodic(step(), yieldPosition);
playbackEventSubscription = playbackEventStream.listen((event) {
return controller.stream.distinct();
/// Convenience method to load audio from a URL with optional headers,
/// equivalent to:
/// ```
/// load(AudioSource.uri(Uri.parse(url), headers: headers));
/// ```
2020-04-30 13:47:29 +00:00
2020-06-08 13:58:16 +00:00
Future<Duration> setUrl(String url, {Map headers}) =>
load(AudioSource.uri(Uri.parse(url), headers: headers));
/// Convenience method to load audio from a file, equivalent to:
/// ```
/// load(AudioSource.uri(Uri.file(filePath)));
/// ```
Future<Duration> setFilePath(String filePath) =>
/// Convenience method to load audio from an asset, equivalent to:
/// ```
/// load(AudioSource.uri(Uri.parse('asset:///$assetPath')));
/// ```
Future<Duration> setAsset(String assetPath) =>
/// Loads audio from an [AudioSource] and completes when the audio is ready
2020-08-07 12:11:28 +00:00
/// to play with the duration of that audio, or null if the duration is unknown.
2020-08-07 12:11:28 +00:00
/// This method throws:
/// * [PlayerException] if the audio source was unable to be loaded.
/// * [PlayerInterruptedException] if another call to [load] happened before
/// this call completed.
Future<Duration> load(AudioSource source) async {
try {
_audioSource = source;
final duration = await _load(source);
// Wait for loading state to pass.
await processingStateStream
.firstWhere((state) => state != ProcessingState.loading);
return duration;
} catch (e) {
_audioSource = null;
void _broadcastSequence() {
_registerAudioSource(AudioSource source) {
_audioSources[source._id] = source;
Future<Duration> _load(AudioSource source) async {
try {
if (!kIsWeb && source._requiresHeaders) {
2020-06-07 14:20:52 +00:00
if (_proxy == null) {
_proxy = _ProxyHttpServer();
await _proxy.start();
await source._setup(this);
_durationFuture = _invokeMethod('load', [source.toJson()]).then(
2020-06-08 13:58:16 +00:00
(ms) => (ms == null || ms < 0) ? null : Duration(milliseconds: ms));
final duration = await _durationFuture;
return duration;
} on PlatformException catch (e) {
2020-08-07 12:11:28 +00:00
try {
throw PlayerException(int.parse(e.code), e.message);
} on FormatException catch (_) {
if (e.code == 'abort') {
throw PlayerInterruptedException(e.message);
} else {
throw PlayerException(9999999, e.message);
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// Clips the current [AudioSource] to the given [start] and [end]
/// timestamps. If [start] is null, it will be reset to the start of the
/// original [AudioSource]. If [end] is null, it will be reset to the end of
/// the original [AudioSource]. This method cannot be called from the
/// [AudioPlaybackState.none] state.
Future<Duration> setClip({Duration start, Duration end}) async {
final duration = await _load(start == null && end == null
? _audioSource
: ClippingAudioSource(
child: _audioSource,
start: start,
end: end,
// Wait for loading state to pass.
await processingStateStream
.firstWhere((state) => state != ProcessingState.loading);
return duration;
2019-12-31 09:38:46 +00:00
/// Tells the player to play audio as soon as an audio source is loaded and
/// ready to play. The [Future] returned by this method completes when the
/// playback completes or is paused or stopped. If the player is already
/// playing, this method completes immediately.
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// This method causes [playing] to become true, and it will remain true
/// until [pause] or [stop] is called. This means that if playback completes,
/// and then you [seek] to an earlier position in the audio, playback will
/// continue playing from that position. If you instead wish to [pause] or
/// [stop] playback on completion, you can call either method as soon as
/// [processingState] becomes [ProcessingState.completed] by listening to
/// [processingStateStream].
2020-08-23 08:00:16 +00:00
/// This method activates the audio session before playback, and will do
/// nothing if activation of the audio session fails for any reason.
2019-12-31 09:38:46 +00:00
Future<void> play() async {
if (playing) return;
2020-08-21 02:23:39 +00:00
_playInterrupted = false;
2020-08-23 08:00:16 +00:00
final audioSession = await AudioSession.instance;
if (await audioSession.setActive(true)) {
await _invokeMethod('play');
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// Pauses the currently playing media. This method does nothing if
/// ![playing].
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
Future<void> pause() async {
if (!playing) return;
2020-08-21 02:23:39 +00:00
_playInterrupted = false;
// Update local state immediately so that queries aren't surprised.
_playbackEvent = _playbackEvent.copyWith(
updatePosition: position,
updateTime: DateTime.now(),
// TODO: perhaps modify platform side to ensure new state is broadcast
// before this method returns.
await _invokeMethod('pause');
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// Convenience method to pause and seek to zero.
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
Future<void> stop() async {
await pause();
await seek(Duration.zero);
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// Sets the volume of this player, where 1.0 is normal volume.
Future<void> setVolume(final double volume) async {
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
await _invokeMethod('setVolume', [volume]);
/// Sets the playback speed of this player, where 1.0 is normal speed.
Future<void> setSpeed(final double speed) async {
_playbackEvent = _playbackEvent.copyWith(
updatePosition: position,
updateTime: DateTime.now(),
await _invokeMethod('setSpeed', [speed]);
2020-08-07 04:32:18 +00:00
/// Sets the [LoopMode]. The gapless looping support is as follows:
/// * Android: supported
/// * iOS/macOS: not supported, however, gapless looping can be achieved by
/// using [LoopingAudioSource].
/// * Web: not supported
Future<void> setLoopMode(LoopMode mode) async {
await _invokeMethod('setLoopMode', [mode.index]);
/// Sets whether shuffle mode is enabled.
Future<void> setShuffleModeEnabled(bool enabled) async {
await _invokeMethod('setShuffleModeEnabled', [enabled]);
/// Sets automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling for AVPlayer in iOS 10.0 or later, defaults to true.
/// Has no effect on Android clients
Future<void> setAutomaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling(
final bool automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling) async {
_automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling =
await _invokeMethod('setAutomaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling',
/// Seeks to a particular [position]. If a composition of multiple
/// [AudioSource]s has been loaded, you may also specify [index] to seek to a
/// particular item within that sequence. This method has no effect unless
/// an audio source has been loaded.
Future<void> seek(final Duration position, {int index}) async {
switch (processingState) {
case ProcessingState.none:
case ProcessingState.loading:
_playbackEvent = _playbackEvent.copyWith(
updatePosition: position,
updateTime: DateTime.now(),
await _invokeMethod('seek', [position?.inMilliseconds, index]);
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// Seek to the next item.
Future<void> seekToNext() async {
if (hasNext) {
await seek(Duration.zero, index: currentIndex + 1);
/// Seek to the previous item.
Future<void> seekToPrevious() async {
if (hasPrevious) {
await seek(Duration.zero, index: currentIndex - 1);
/// Set the Android audio attributes for this player. Has no effect on other
/// platforms. This will cause a new Android AudioSession ID to be generated.
Future<void> setAndroidAudioAttributes(
AndroidAudioAttributes audioAttributes) async {
if (audioAttributes == null) return;
await _invokeMethod(
'setAndroidAudioAttributes', [audioAttributes.toJson()]);
2019-12-27 05:43:09 +00:00
/// Release all resources associated with this player. You must invoke this
/// after you are done with the player.
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
Future<void> dispose() async {
2020-06-08 11:53:05 +00:00
await _invokeMethod('dispose');
_audioSource = null;
_audioSources.values.forEach((s) => s._dispose());
2020-06-07 14:20:52 +00:00
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
await _durationSubject.close();
await _eventChannelStreamSubscription.cancel();
await _loopModeSubject.close();
await _shuffleModeEnabledSubject.close();
await _playingSubject.close();
await _volumeSubject.close();
await _speedSubject.close();
await _sequenceSubject.close();
if (_positionSubject != null) {
await _positionSubject.close();
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
Future<dynamic> _invokeMethod(String method, [dynamic args]) async =>
(await _channel).invokeMethod(method, args);
2020-08-07 12:11:28 +00:00
/// Captures the details of any error accessing, loading or playing an audio
/// source, including an invalid or inaccessible URL, or an audio encoding that
/// could not be understood.
class PlayerException {
/// On iOS and macOS, maps to `NSError.code`. On Android, maps to
/// `ExoPlaybackException.type`. On Web, maps to `MediaError.code`.
final int code;
/// On iOS and macOS, maps to `NSError.localizedDescription`. On Android,
/// maps to `ExoPlaybackException.getMessage()`. On Web, a generic message
/// is provided.
final String message;
PlayerException(this.code, this.message);
String toString() => "($code) $message";
2020-08-07 12:11:28 +00:00
/// An error that occurs when one operation on the player has been interrupted
/// (e.g. by another simultaneous operation).
class PlayerInterruptedException {
final String message;
String toString() => "$message";
2020-08-07 12:11:28 +00:00
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// Encapsulates the playback state and current position of the player.
class PlaybackEvent {
/// The current processing state.
final ProcessingState processingState;
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// When the last time a position discontinuity happened, as measured in time
/// since the epoch.
final DateTime updateTime;
2019-11-30 15:52:54 +00:00
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// The position at [updateTime].
final Duration updatePosition;
2020-03-07 08:41:40 +00:00
/// The buffer position.
final Duration bufferedPosition;
2020-06-08 13:58:16 +00:00
/// The media duration, or null if unknown.
final Duration duration;
/// The latest ICY metadata received through the audio stream.
final IcyMetadata icyMetadata;
/// The index of the currently playing item.
final int currentIndex;
/// The current Android AudioSession ID.
final int androidAudioSessionId;
@required this.processingState,
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
@required this.updateTime,
@required this.updatePosition,
2020-03-07 08:41:40 +00:00
@required this.bufferedPosition,
@required this.duration,
@required this.icyMetadata,
@required this.currentIndex,
@required this.androidAudioSessionId,
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
PlaybackEvent copyWith({
ProcessingState processingState,
DateTime updateTime,
Duration updatePosition,
Duration bufferedPosition,
double speed,
Duration duration,
2020-04-22 02:11:15 +00:00
IcyMetadata icyMetadata,
UriAudioSource currentIndex,
int androidAudioSessionId,
}) =>
processingState: processingState ?? this.processingState,
updateTime: updateTime ?? this.updateTime,
updatePosition: updatePosition ?? this.updatePosition,
bufferedPosition: bufferedPosition ?? this.bufferedPosition,
duration: duration ?? this.duration,
2020-04-22 02:11:15 +00:00
icyMetadata: icyMetadata ?? this.icyMetadata,
currentIndex: currentIndex ?? this.currentIndex,
androidAudioSessionId ?? this.androidAudioSessionId,
String toString() =>
"{processingState=$processingState, updateTime=$updateTime, updatePosition=$updatePosition}";
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// Enumerates the different processing states of a player.
enum ProcessingState {
/// The player has not loaded an [AudioSource].
2019-11-28 05:16:54 +00:00
/// The player is loading an [AudioSource].
/// The player is buffering audio and unable to play.
/// The player is has enough audio buffered and is able to play.
/// The player has reached the end of the audio.
2019-12-27 05:43:09 +00:00
2019-11-25 14:50:21 +00:00
/// Encapsulates the playing and processing states. These two states vary
/// orthogonally, and so if [processingState] is [ProcessingState.buffering],
/// you can check [playing] to determine whether the buffering occurred while
/// the player was playing or while the player was paused.
class PlayerState {
/// Whether the player will play when [processingState] is
/// [ProcessingState.ready].
final bool playing;
/// The current processing state of the player.
final ProcessingState processingState;
PlayerState(this.playing, this.processingState);
String toString() => 'playing=$playing,processingState=$processingState';
int get hashCode => toString().hashCode;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) =>
other is PlayerState &&
other?.playing == playing &&
other?.processingState == processingState;
class IcyInfo {
final String title;
final String url;
IcyInfo({@required this.title, @required this.url});
IcyInfo.fromJson(Map json) : this(title: json['title'], url: json['url']);
String toString() => 'title=$title,url=$url';
int get hashCode => toString().hashCode;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) =>
other is IcyInfo && other?.toString() == toString();
class IcyHeaders {
final int bitrate;
final String genre;
final String name;
final int metadataInterval;
final String url;
final bool isPublic;
@required this.bitrate,
@required this.genre,
@required this.name,
@required this.metadataInterval,
@required this.url,
@required this.isPublic,
IcyHeaders.fromJson(Map json)
: this(
bitrate: json['bitrate'],
genre: json['genre'],
name: json['name'],
metadataInterval: json['metadataInterval'],
url: json['url'],
isPublic: json['isPublic'],
String toString() =>
int get hashCode => toString().hashCode;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) =>
other is IcyHeaders && other?.toString() == toString();
class IcyMetadata {
final IcyInfo info;
final IcyHeaders headers;
IcyMetadata({@required this.info, @required this.headers});
IcyMetadata.fromJson(Map json)
2020-08-21 02:38:24 +00:00
: this(
info: json['info'] == null ? null : IcyInfo.fromJson(json['info']),
headers: json['headers'] == null
? null
: IcyHeaders.fromJson(json['headers']),
int get hashCode => info.hashCode ^ headers.hashCode;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) =>
other is IcyMetadata && other?.info == info && other?.headers == headers;
2020-05-20 14:38:26 +00:00
/// Encapsulates the [sequence] and [currentIndex] state and ensures
/// consistency such that [currentIndex] is within the range of
/// [sequence.length]. If [sequence.length] is 0, then [currentIndex] is also
/// 0.
class SequenceState {
/// The sequence of the current [AudioSource].
final List<IndexedAudioSource> sequence;
/// The index of the current source in the sequence.
final int currentIndex;
SequenceState(this.sequence, this.currentIndex);
/// The current source in the sequence.
IndexedAudioSource get currentSource => sequence[currentIndex];
2020-06-07 14:20:52 +00:00
/// A local proxy HTTP server for making remote GET requests with headers.
/// TODO: Recursively attach headers to items in playlists like m3u8.
class _ProxyHttpServer {
HttpServer _server;
/// Maps request keys to [_ProxyRequest]s.
final Map<String, _ProxyRequest> _uriMap = {};
/// The port this server is bound to on localhost. This is set only after
/// [start] has completed.
int get port => _server.port;
/// Associate headers with a URL. This may be called only after [start] has
/// completed.
Uri addUrl(Uri url, Map<String, String> headers) {
final path = _requestKey(url);
_uriMap[path] = _ProxyRequest(url, headers);
return url.replace(
scheme: 'http',
host: InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4.address,
port: port,
2020-06-07 14:20:52 +00:00
/// A unique key for each request that can be processed by this proxy,
/// made up of the URL path and query string. It is not possible to
/// simultaneously track requests that have the same URL path and query
/// but differ in other respects such as the port or headers.
String _requestKey(Uri uri) => '${uri.path}?${uri.query}';
/// Starts the server.
Future start() async {
_server = await HttpServer.bind(InternetAddress.loopbackIPv4, 0);
_server.listen((request) async {
if (request.method == 'GET') {
final path = _requestKey(request.uri);
final proxyRequest = _uriMap[path];
final originRequest = await HttpClient().getUrl(proxyRequest.uri);
2020-06-09 14:43:07 +00:00
// Rewrite request headers
final host = originRequest.headers.value('host');
request.headers.forEach((name, value) {
originRequest.headers.set(name, value);
2020-06-07 14:20:52 +00:00
for (var name in proxyRequest.headers.keys) {
2020-06-09 14:43:07 +00:00
originRequest.headers.set(name, proxyRequest.headers[name]);
2020-06-07 14:20:52 +00:00
2020-06-09 14:43:07 +00:00
originRequest.headers.set('host', host);
2020-06-10 10:36:44 +00:00
// Try to make normal request
try {
final originResponse = await originRequest.close();
originResponse.headers.forEach((name, value) {
request.response.headers.set(name, value);
// Pipe response
await originResponse.pipe(request.response);
} on HttpException {
// We likely are dealing with a streaming protocol
if (proxyRequest.uri.scheme == 'http') {
// Try parsing HTTP 0.9 response
final socket = await Socket.connect(
proxyRequest.uri.host, proxyRequest.uri.port);
final clientSocket =
await request.response.detachSocket(writeHeaders: false);
Completer done = Completer();
onDone: () async {
await clientSocket.flush();
// Rewrite headers
final headers = <String, String>{};
request.headers.forEach((name, value) {
if (name.toLowerCase() != 'host') {
headers[name] = value.join(",");
for (var name in proxyRequest.headers.keys) {
headers[name] = proxyRequest.headers[name];
socket.write("GET ${proxyRequest.uri.path} HTTP/1.1\n");
if (host != null) {
socket.write("Host: $host\n");
for (var name in headers.keys) {
socket.write("$name: ${headers[name]}\n");
await socket.flush();
await done.future;
2020-06-07 14:20:52 +00:00
/// Stops the server
Future stop() => _server.close();
/// A request for a URL and headers made by a [_ProxyHttpServer].
class _ProxyRequest {
final Uri uri;
final Map<String, String> headers;
_ProxyRequest(this.uri, this.headers);
/// Specifies a source of audio to be played. Audio sources are composable
/// using the subclasses of this class. The same [AudioSource] instance should
/// not be used simultaneously by more than one [AudioPlayer].
abstract class AudioSource {
final String _id;
AudioPlayer _player;
/// Creates an [AudioSource] from a [Uri] with optional headers by
/// attempting to guess the type of stream. On iOS, this uses Apple's SDK to
/// automatically detect the stream type. On Android, the type of stream will
/// be guessed from the extension.
/// If you are loading DASH or HLS streams that do not have standard "mpd" or
/// "m3u8" extensions in their URIs, this method will fail to detect the
/// stream type on Android. If you know in advance what type of audio stream
/// it is, you should instantiate [DashAudioSource] or [HlsAudioSource]
/// directly.
static AudioSource uri(Uri uri, {Map headers, dynamic tag}) {
bool hasExtension(Uri uri, String extension) =>
uri.path.toLowerCase().endsWith('.$extension') ||
if (hasExtension(uri, 'mpd')) {
return DashAudioSource(uri, headers: headers, tag: tag);
} else if (hasExtension(uri, 'm3u8')) {
return HlsAudioSource(uri, headers: headers, tag: tag);
} else {
return ProgressiveAudioSource(uri, headers: headers, tag: tag);
static AudioSource fromJson(Map json) {
switch (json['type']) {
case 'progressive':
return ProgressiveAudioSource(Uri.parse(json['uri']),
headers: json['headers']);
case "dash":
return DashAudioSource(Uri.parse(json['uri']),
headers: json['headers']);
case "hls":
return HlsAudioSource(Uri.parse(json['uri']), headers: json['headers']);
case "concatenating":
return ConcatenatingAudioSource(
children: (json['audioSources'] as List)
.map((s) => AudioSource.fromJson(s))
case "clipping":
return ClippingAudioSource(
child: AudioSource.fromJson(json['audioSource']),
start: Duration(milliseconds: json['start']),
end: Duration(milliseconds: json['end']));
throw Exception("Unknown AudioSource type: " + json['type']);
AudioSource() : _id = _uuid.v4();
Future<void> _setup(AudioPlayer player) async {
_player = player;
void _dispose() {
_player = null;
bool get _requiresHeaders;
List<IndexedAudioSource> get sequence;
Map toJson();
int get hashCode => _id.hashCode;
bool operator ==(dynamic other) => other is AudioSource && other._id == _id;
/// An [AudioSource] that can appear in a sequence.
abstract class IndexedAudioSource extends AudioSource {
final dynamic tag;
List<IndexedAudioSource> get sequence => [this];
2020-08-07 04:32:18 +00:00
/// An abstract class representing audio sources that are loaded from a URI.
abstract class UriAudioSource extends IndexedAudioSource {
final Uri uri;
final Map headers;
final String _type;
Uri _overrideUri;
File _cacheFile;
UriAudioSource(this.uri, {this.headers, dynamic tag, @required String type})
: _type = type,
Future<void> _setup(AudioPlayer player) async {
await super._setup(player);
if (uri.scheme == 'asset') {
_overrideUri = Uri.file(
(await _loadAsset(uri.path.replaceFirst(RegExp(r'^/'), ''))).path);
} else if (headers != null) {
_overrideUri = player._proxy.addUrl(uri, headers);
void _dispose() {
if (_cacheFile?.existsSync() == true) {
Future<File> _loadAsset(String assetPath) async {
final file = await _getCacheFile(assetPath);
this._cacheFile = file;
if (!file.existsSync()) {
await file.create(recursive: true);
await file.writeAsBytes(
(await rootBundle.load(assetPath)).buffer.asUint8List());
return file;
/// Get file for caching asset media with proper extension
Future<File> _getCacheFile(final String assetPath) async => File(p.join(
(await getTemporaryDirectory()).path,
bool get _requiresHeaders => headers != null;
Map toJson() => {
'id': _id,
'type': _type,
'uri': (_overrideUri ?? uri).toString(),
'headers': headers,
2020-08-13 17:26:24 +00:00
/// An [AudioSource] representing a regular media file such as an MP3 or M4A
/// file. The following URI schemes are supported:
/// * file: loads from a local file (provided you give your app permission to
/// access that file).
/// * asset: loads from a Flutter asset (not supported on Web).
/// * http(s): loads from an HTTP(S) resource.
/// On platforms except for the web, the supplied [headers] will be passed with
/// the HTTP(S) request.
class ProgressiveAudioSource extends UriAudioSource {
ProgressiveAudioSource(Uri uri, {Map headers, dynamic tag})
: super(uri, headers: headers, tag: tag, type: 'progressive');
2020-08-13 17:26:24 +00:00
/// An [AudioSource] representing a DASH stream. The following URI schemes are
/// supported:
/// * file: loads from a local file (provided you give your app permission to
/// access that file).
/// * asset: loads from a Flutter asset (not supported on Web).
/// * http(s): loads from an HTTP(S) resource.
/// On platforms except for the web, the supplied [headers] will be passed with
/// the HTTP(S) request. Currently headers are not recursively applied to items
/// the HTTP(S) request. Currently headers are not applied recursively.
class DashAudioSource extends UriAudioSource {
DashAudioSource(Uri uri, {Map headers, dynamic tag})
: super(uri, headers: headers, tag: tag, type: 'dash');
2020-08-13 17:26:24 +00:00
/// An [AudioSource] representing an HLS stream. The following URI schemes are
/// supported:
/// * file: loads from a local file (provided you give your app permission to
/// access that file).
/// * asset: loads from a Flutter asset (not supported on Web).
/// * http(s): loads from an HTTP(S) resource.
/// On platforms except for the web, the supplied [headers] will be passed with
/// the HTTP(S) request. Currently headers are not applied recursively.
class HlsAudioSource extends UriAudioSource {
HlsAudioSource(Uri uri, {Map headers, dynamic tag})
: super(uri, headers: headers, tag: tag, type: 'hls');
/// An [AudioSource] representing a concatenation of multiple audio sources to
2020-08-07 04:32:18 +00:00
/// be played in succession. This can be used to create playlists. Playback
/// between items will be gapless on Android, iOS and macOS, while there will
/// be a slight gap on Web.
/// (Untested) Audio sources can be dynamically added, removed and reordered
/// while the audio is playing.
class ConcatenatingAudioSource extends AudioSource {
final List<AudioSource> children;
final bool useLazyPreparation;
@required this.children,
this.useLazyPreparation = false,
Future<void> _setup(AudioPlayer player) async {
await super._setup(player);
for (var source in children) {
await source._setup(player);
2020-08-07 04:32:18 +00:00
/// (Untested) Appends an [AudioSource].
Future<void> add(AudioSource audioSource) async {
if (_player != null) {
await _player
._invokeMethod('concatenating.add', [_id, audioSource.toJson()]);
2020-08-07 04:32:18 +00:00
/// (Untested) Inserts an [AudioSource] at [index].
Future<void> insert(int index, AudioSource audioSource) async {
children.insert(index, audioSource);
if (_player != null) {
await _player._invokeMethod(
'concatenating.insert', [_id, index, audioSource.toJson()]);
2020-08-07 04:32:18 +00:00
/// (Untested) Appends multiple [AudioSource]s.
Future<void> addAll(List<AudioSource> children) async {
if (_player != null) {
await _player._invokeMethod('concatenating.addAll',
[_id, children.map((s) => s.toJson()).toList()]);
2020-08-07 04:32:18 +00:00
/// (Untested) Insert multiple [AudioSource]s at [index].
Future<void> insertAll(int index, List<AudioSource> children) async {
this.children.insertAll(index, children);
if (_player != null) {
await _player._invokeMethod('concatenating.insertAll',
[_id, index, children.map((s) => s.toJson()).toList()]);
2020-08-07 04:32:18 +00:00
/// (Untested) Dynmaically remove an [AudioSource] at [index] after this
/// [ConcatenatingAudioSource] has already been loaded.
Future<void> removeAt(int index) async {
if (_player != null) {
await _player._invokeMethod('concatenating.removeAt', [_id, index]);
2020-08-07 04:32:18 +00:00
/// (Untested) Removes a range of [AudioSource]s from index [start] inclusive
/// to [end] exclusive.
Future<void> removeRange(int start, int end) async {
children.removeRange(start, end);
if (_player != null) {
await _player
._invokeMethod('concatenating.removeRange', [_id, start, end]);
2020-08-07 04:32:18 +00:00
/// (Untested) Moves an [AudioSource] from [currentIndex] to [newIndex].
Future<void> move(int currentIndex, int newIndex) async {
children.insert(newIndex, children.removeAt(currentIndex));
if (_player != null) {
await _player
._invokeMethod('concatenating.move', [_id, currentIndex, newIndex]);
2020-08-07 04:32:18 +00:00
/// (Untested) Removes all [AudioSources].
Future<void> clear() async {
if (_player != null) {
await _player._invokeMethod('concatenating.clear', [_id]);
/// The number of [AudioSource]s.
int get length => children.length;
operator [](int index) => children[index];
List<IndexedAudioSource> get sequence =>
children.expand((s) => s.sequence).toList();
bool get _requiresHeaders =>
children.any((source) => source._requiresHeaders);
Map toJson() => {
'id': _id,
'type': 'concatenating',
'audioSources': children.map((source) => source.toJson()).toList(),
'useLazyPreparation': useLazyPreparation,
/// An [AudioSource] that clips the audio of a [UriAudioSource] between a
/// certain start and end time.
class ClippingAudioSource extends IndexedAudioSource {
final UriAudioSource child;
final Duration start;
final Duration end;
2020-08-07 04:32:18 +00:00
/// Creates an audio source that clips [child] to the range [start]..[end],
/// where [start] and [end] default to the beginning and end of the original
/// [child] source.
@required this.child,
dynamic tag,
}) : super(tag);
Future<void> _setup(AudioPlayer player) async {
await super._setup(player);
await child._setup(player);
bool get _requiresHeaders => child._requiresHeaders;
Map toJson() => {
'id': _id,
'type': 'clipping',
'audioSource': child.toJson(),
'start': start?.inMilliseconds,
'end': end?.inMilliseconds,
2020-08-04 17:58:43 +00:00
// An [AudioSource] that loops a nested [AudioSource] a finite number of times.
2020-08-07 04:32:18 +00:00
// NOTE: this can be inefficient when using a large loop count. If you wish to
// loop an infinite number of times, use [AudioPlayer.setLoopMode].
// On iOS and macOS, note that [LoopingAudioSource] will provide gapless
// playback while [AudioPlayer.setLoopMode] will not. (This will be supported
// in a future release.)
class LoopingAudioSource extends AudioSource {
AudioSource child;
final int count;
@required this.child,
}) : super();
Future<void> _setup(AudioPlayer player) async {
await super._setup(player);
await child._setup(player);
List<IndexedAudioSource> get sequence =>
List.generate(count, (i) => child).expand((s) => s.sequence).toList();
bool get _requiresHeaders => child._requiresHeaders;
Map toJson() => {
'id': _id,
'type': 'looping',
'audioSource': child.toJson(),
'count': count,
enum LoopMode { off, one, all }