
795 lines
24 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter_web_plugins/flutter_web_plugins.dart';
import 'package:just_audio_platform_interface/just_audio_platform_interface.dart';
class JustAudioPlugin extends JustAudioPlatform {
final Map<String, JustAudioPlayer> players = {};
static void registerWith(Registrar registrar) {
JustAudioPlatform.instance = JustAudioPlugin();
Future<AudioPlayerPlatform> init(InitRequest request) async {
final player = Html5AudioPlayer(id: request.id);
if (players.containsKey(request.id)) {
throw PlatformException(
code: "error",
message: "Platform player ${request.id} already exists");
players[request.id] = player;
return player;
Future<DisposePlayerResponse> disposePlayer(
DisposePlayerRequest request) async {
await players[request.id]?.release();
return DisposePlayerResponse();
abstract class JustAudioPlayer extends AudioPlayerPlatform {
final eventController = StreamController<PlaybackEventMessage>();
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ProcessingStateMessage _processingState = ProcessingStateMessage.idle;
bool _playing = false;
int _index;
JustAudioPlayer({@required String id}) : super(id);
Future<void> release() async {
Duration getCurrentPosition();
Duration getBufferedPosition();
Duration getDuration();
broadcastPlaybackEvent() {
var updateTime = DateTime.now();
processingState: _processingState,
updatePosition: getCurrentPosition(),
updateTime: updateTime,
bufferedPosition: getBufferedPosition(),
// TODO: Icy Metadata
icyMetadata: null,
duration: getDuration(),
currentIndex: _index,
androidAudioSessionId: null,
transition(ProcessingStateMessage processingState) {
_processingState = processingState;
class Html5AudioPlayer extends JustAudioPlayer {
AudioElement _audioElement = AudioElement();
Completer _durationCompleter;
AudioSourcePlayer _audioSourcePlayer;
LoopModeMessage _loopMode = LoopModeMessage.off;
bool _shuffleModeEnabled = false;
final Map<String, AudioSourcePlayer> _audioSourcePlayers = {};
Html5AudioPlayer({@required String id}) : super(id: id) {
_audioElement.addEventListener('durationchange', (event) {
_audioElement.addEventListener('error', (event) {
_audioElement.addEventListener('ended', (event) async {
_audioElement.addEventListener('timeupdate', (event) {
_audioElement.addEventListener('loadstart', (event) {
_audioElement.addEventListener('waiting', (event) {
_audioElement.addEventListener('stalled', (event) {
_audioElement.addEventListener('canplaythrough', (event) {
_audioElement.addEventListener('progress', (event) {
List<int> get order {
final sequence = _audioSourcePlayer.sequence;
List<int> order = List<int>(sequence.length);
if (_shuffleModeEnabled) {
2020-12-11 07:04:33 +00:00
order = _audioSourcePlayer.shuffleIndices;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < order.length; i++) {
order[i] = i;
return order;
List<int> getInv(List<int> order) {
List<int> orderInv = List<int>(order.length);
for (var i = 0; i < order.length; i++) {
orderInv[order[i]] = i;
return orderInv;
onEnded() async {
if (_loopMode == LoopModeMessage.one) {
await _seek(0, null);
} else {
final order = this.order;
final orderInv = getInv(order);
if (orderInv[_index] + 1 < order.length) {
// move to next item
_index = order[orderInv[_index] + 1];
await _currentAudioSourcePlayer.load();
// Should always be true...
if (_playing) {
} else {
// reached end of playlist
if (_loopMode == LoopModeMessage.all) {
// Loop back to the beginning
if (order.length == 1) {
await _seek(0, null);
} else {
_index = order[0];
await _currentAudioSourcePlayer.load();
// Should always be true...
if (_playing) {
} else {
// TODO: Improve efficiency.
IndexedAudioSourcePlayer get _currentAudioSourcePlayer =>
_audioSourcePlayer != null && _index < _audioSourcePlayer.sequence.length
? _audioSourcePlayer.sequence[_index]
: null;
Stream<PlaybackEventMessage> get playbackEventMessageStream =>
Future<LoadResponse> load(LoadRequest request) async {
_audioSourcePlayer = getAudioSource(request.audioSourceMessage);
_index = request.initialIndex ?? 0;
final duration = await _currentAudioSourcePlayer.load();
if (request.initialPosition != null) {
await _currentAudioSourcePlayer
if (_playing) {
return LoadResponse(duration: duration);
Future<Duration> loadUri(final Uri uri) async {
final src = uri.toString();
if (src != _audioElement.src) {
_durationCompleter = Completer<num>();
_audioElement.src = src;
_audioElement.preload = 'auto';
try {
await _durationCompleter.future;
} on MediaError catch (e) {
throw PlatformException(
code: "${e.code}", message: "Failed to load URL");
} finally {
_durationCompleter = null;
final seconds = _audioElement.duration;
return seconds.isFinite
? Duration(milliseconds: (seconds * 1000).toInt())
: null;
Future<PlayResponse> play(PlayRequest request) async {
await _play();
return PlayResponse();
Future<void> _play() async {
_playing = true;
await _currentAudioSourcePlayer.play();
Future<PauseResponse> pause(PauseRequest request) async {
_playing = false;
return PauseResponse();
Future<SetVolumeResponse> setVolume(SetVolumeRequest request) async {
_audioElement.volume = request.volume;
return SetVolumeResponse();
Future<SetSpeedResponse> setSpeed(SetSpeedRequest request) async {
_audioElement.playbackRate = request.speed;
return SetSpeedResponse();
Future<SetLoopModeResponse> setLoopMode(SetLoopModeRequest request) async {
_loopMode = request.loopMode;
return SetLoopModeResponse();
Future<SetShuffleModeResponse> setShuffleMode(
SetShuffleModeRequest request) async {
_shuffleModeEnabled = request.shuffleMode == ShuffleModeMessage.all;
return SetShuffleModeResponse();
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Future<SetShuffleOrderResponse> setShuffleOrder(
SetShuffleOrderRequest request) async {
void internalSetShuffleOrder(AudioSourceMessage sourceMessage) {
final audioSourcePlayer = _audioSourcePlayers[sourceMessage.id];
if (audioSourcePlayer == null) return;
if (sourceMessage is ConcatenatingAudioSourceMessage &&
audioSourcePlayer is ConcatenatingAudioSourcePlayer) {
for (var childMessage in sourceMessage.children) {
} else if (sourceMessage is LoopingAudioSourceMessage) {
return SetShuffleOrderResponse();
Future<SeekResponse> seek(SeekRequest request) async {
await _seek(request.position.inMilliseconds, request.index);
return SeekResponse();
Future<void> _seek(int position, int newIndex) async {
int index = newIndex ?? _index;
if (index != _index) {
_index = index;
await _currentAudioSourcePlayer.load();
await _currentAudioSourcePlayer.seek(position);
if (_playing) {
} else {
await _currentAudioSourcePlayer.seek(position);
ConcatenatingAudioSourcePlayer _concatenating(String playerId) =>
_audioSourcePlayers[playerId] as ConcatenatingAudioSourcePlayer;
Future<ConcatenatingInsertAllResponse> concatenatingInsertAll(
ConcatenatingInsertAllRequest request) async {
.insertAll(request.index, getAudioSources(request.children));
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if (request.index <= _index) {
_index += request.children.length;
return ConcatenatingInsertAllResponse();
Future<ConcatenatingRemoveRangeResponse> concatenatingRemoveRange(
ConcatenatingRemoveRangeRequest request) async {
if (_index >= request.startIndex && _index < request.endIndex && _playing) {
// Pause if removing current item
.removeRange(request.startIndex, request.endIndex);
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if (_index >= request.startIndex && _index < request.endIndex) {
// Skip backward if there's nothing after this
if (request.startIndex >= _audioSourcePlayer.sequence.length) {
_index = request.startIndex - 1;
} else {
_index = request.startIndex;
// Resume playback at the new item (if it exists)
if (_playing && _currentAudioSourcePlayer != null) {
await _currentAudioSourcePlayer.load();
} else if (request.endIndex <= _index) {
// Reflect that the current item has shifted its position
_index -= (request.endIndex - request.startIndex);
return ConcatenatingRemoveRangeResponse();
Future<ConcatenatingMoveResponse> concatenatingMove(
ConcatenatingMoveRequest request) async {
_concatenating(request.id).move(request.currentIndex, request.newIndex);
2020-12-11 07:04:33 +00:00
if (request.currentIndex == _index) {
_index = request.newIndex;
} else if (request.currentIndex < _index && request.newIndex >= _index) {
} else if (request.currentIndex > _index && request.newIndex <= _index) {
return ConcatenatingMoveResponse();
Future<SetAndroidAudioAttributesResponse> setAndroidAudioAttributes(
SetAndroidAudioAttributesRequest request) async {
return SetAndroidAudioAttributesResponse();
SetAutomaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStallingRequest request) async {
return SetAutomaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStallingResponse();
Duration getCurrentPosition() => _currentAudioSourcePlayer?.position;
Duration getBufferedPosition() => _currentAudioSourcePlayer?.bufferedPosition;
Duration getDuration() => _currentAudioSourcePlayer?.duration;
Future<void> release() async {
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return await super.release();
List<AudioSourcePlayer> getAudioSources(List messages) =>
messages.map((message) => getAudioSource(message)).toList();
AudioSourcePlayer getAudioSource(AudioSourceMessage audioSourceMessage) {
final String id = audioSourceMessage.id;
var audioSourcePlayer = _audioSourcePlayers[id];
if (audioSourcePlayer == null) {
audioSourcePlayer = decodeAudioSource(audioSourceMessage);
_audioSourcePlayers[id] = audioSourcePlayer;
return audioSourcePlayer;
AudioSourcePlayer decodeAudioSource(AudioSourceMessage audioSourceMessage) {
if (audioSourceMessage is ProgressiveAudioSourceMessage) {
return ProgressiveAudioSourcePlayer(this, audioSourceMessage.id,
Uri.parse(audioSourceMessage.uri), audioSourceMessage.headers);
} else if (audioSourceMessage is DashAudioSourceMessage) {
return DashAudioSourcePlayer(this, audioSourceMessage.id,
Uri.parse(audioSourceMessage.uri), audioSourceMessage.headers);
} else if (audioSourceMessage is HlsAudioSourceMessage) {
return HlsAudioSourcePlayer(this, audioSourceMessage.id,
Uri.parse(audioSourceMessage.uri), audioSourceMessage.headers);
} else if (audioSourceMessage is ConcatenatingAudioSourceMessage) {
return ConcatenatingAudioSourcePlayer(
2020-12-11 07:04:33 +00:00
} else if (audioSourceMessage is ClippingAudioSourceMessage) {
return ClippingAudioSourcePlayer(
} else if (audioSourceMessage is LoopingAudioSourceMessage) {
return LoopingAudioSourcePlayer(this, audioSourceMessage.id,
getAudioSource(audioSourceMessage.child), audioSourceMessage.count);
} else {
throw Exception("Unknown AudioSource type: $audioSourceMessage");
abstract class AudioSourcePlayer {
Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer;
final String id;
AudioSourcePlayer(this.html5AudioPlayer, this.id);
List<IndexedAudioSourcePlayer> get sequence;
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List<int> get shuffleIndices;
abstract class IndexedAudioSourcePlayer extends AudioSourcePlayer {
IndexedAudioSourcePlayer(Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer, String id)
: super(html5AudioPlayer, id);
Future<Duration> load();
Future<void> play();
Future<void> pause();
Future<void> seek(int position);
Future<void> complete();
Future<void> timeUpdated(double seconds) async {}
Duration get duration;
Duration get position;
Duration get bufferedPosition;
AudioElement get _audioElement => html5AudioPlayer._audioElement;
String toString() => "${this.runtimeType}";
abstract class UriAudioSourcePlayer extends IndexedAudioSourcePlayer {
final Uri uri;
final Map headers;
double _resumePos;
Duration _duration;
Completer _completer;
Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer, String id, this.uri, this.headers)
: super(html5AudioPlayer, id);
List<IndexedAudioSourcePlayer> get sequence => [this];
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List<int> get shuffleIndices => [0];
Future<Duration> load() async {
_resumePos = 0.0;
return _duration = await html5AudioPlayer.loadUri(uri);
Future<void> play() async {
_audioElement.currentTime = _resumePos;
_completer = Completer();
await _completer.future;
_completer = null;
Future<void> pause() async {
_resumePos = _audioElement.currentTime;
Future<void> seek(int position) async {
_audioElement.currentTime = _resumePos = position / 1000.0;
Future<void> complete() async {
_interruptPlay() {
if (_completer?.isCompleted == false) {
Duration get duration {
return _duration;
//final seconds = _audioElement.duration;
//return seconds.isFinite
// ? Duration(milliseconds: (seconds * 1000).toInt())
// : null;
Duration get position {
double seconds = _audioElement.currentTime;
return Duration(milliseconds: (seconds * 1000).toInt());
Duration get bufferedPosition {
if (_audioElement.buffered.length > 0) {
return Duration(
(_audioElement.buffered.end(_audioElement.buffered.length - 1) *
} else {
return Duration.zero;
class ProgressiveAudioSourcePlayer extends UriAudioSourcePlayer {
Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer, String id, Uri uri, Map headers)
: super(html5AudioPlayer, id, uri, headers);
class DashAudioSourcePlayer extends UriAudioSourcePlayer {
Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer, String id, Uri uri, Map headers)
: super(html5AudioPlayer, id, uri, headers);
class HlsAudioSourcePlayer extends UriAudioSourcePlayer {
Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer, String id, Uri uri, Map headers)
: super(html5AudioPlayer, id, uri, headers);
class ConcatenatingAudioSourcePlayer extends AudioSourcePlayer {
final List<AudioSourcePlayer> audioSourcePlayers;
final bool useLazyPreparation;
List<int> _shuffleOrder;
ConcatenatingAudioSourcePlayer(Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer, String id,
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this.audioSourcePlayers, this.useLazyPreparation, List<int> shuffleOrder)
: _shuffleOrder = shuffleOrder,
super(html5AudioPlayer, id);
List<IndexedAudioSourcePlayer> get sequence =>
audioSourcePlayers.expand((p) => p.sequence).toList();
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List<int> get shuffleIndices {
final order = <int>[];
var offset = order.length;
final childOrders = <List<int>>[];
for (var audioSourcePlayer in audioSourcePlayers) {
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final childShuffleIndices = audioSourcePlayer.shuffleIndices;
childOrders.add(childShuffleIndices.map((i) => i + offset).toList());
offset += childShuffleIndices.length;
for (var i = 0; i < childOrders.length; i++) {
return order;
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void setShuffleOrder(List<int> shuffleOrder) {
_shuffleOrder = shuffleOrder;
insertAll(int index, List<AudioSourcePlayer> players) {
audioSourcePlayers.insertAll(index, players);
for (var i = 0; i < audioSourcePlayers.length; i++) {
if (_shuffleOrder[i] >= index) {
_shuffleOrder[i] += players.length;
removeRange(int start, int end) {
audioSourcePlayers.removeRange(start, end);
for (var i = 0; i < audioSourcePlayers.length; i++) {
if (_shuffleOrder[i] >= end) {
_shuffleOrder[i] -= (end - start);
move(int currentIndex, int newIndex) {
newIndex, audioSourcePlayers.removeAt(currentIndex));
class ClippingAudioSourcePlayer extends IndexedAudioSourcePlayer {
final UriAudioSourcePlayer audioSourcePlayer;
final Duration start;
final Duration end;
Completer<ClipInterruptReason> _completer;
double _resumePos;
Duration _duration;
ClippingAudioSourcePlayer(Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer, String id,
this.audioSourcePlayer, this.start, this.end)
: super(html5AudioPlayer, id);
List<IndexedAudioSourcePlayer> get sequence => [this];
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List<int> get shuffleIndices => [0];
Future<Duration> load() async {
_resumePos = (start ?? Duration.zero).inMilliseconds / 1000.0;
Duration fullDuration =
await html5AudioPlayer.loadUri(audioSourcePlayer.uri);
_audioElement.currentTime = _resumePos;
_duration = Duration(
milliseconds: min((end ?? fullDuration).inMilliseconds,
fullDuration.inMilliseconds) -
(start ?? Duration.zero).inMilliseconds);
return _duration;
double get remaining => end.inMilliseconds / 1000 - _audioElement.currentTime;
Future<void> play() async {
_audioElement.currentTime = _resumePos;
_completer = Completer<ClipInterruptReason>();
ClipInterruptReason reason;
while ((reason = await _completer.future) == ClipInterruptReason.seek) {
_completer = Completer<ClipInterruptReason>();
if (reason == ClipInterruptReason.end) {
_completer = null;
Future<void> pause() async {
_resumePos = _audioElement.currentTime;
Future<void> seek(int position) async {
_audioElement.currentTime =
_resumePos = start.inMilliseconds / 1000.0 + position / 1000.0;
Future<void> complete() async {
Future<void> timeUpdated(double seconds) async {
if (end != null) {
if (seconds >= end.inMilliseconds / 1000) {
Duration get duration {
return _duration;
Duration get position {
double seconds = _audioElement.currentTime;
var position = Duration(milliseconds: (seconds * 1000).toInt());
if (start != null) {
position -= start;
if (position < Duration.zero) {
position = Duration.zero;
return position;
Duration get bufferedPosition {
if (_audioElement.buffered.length > 0) {
var seconds =
_audioElement.buffered.end(_audioElement.buffered.length - 1);
var position = Duration(milliseconds: (seconds * 1000).toInt());
if (start != null) {
position -= start;
if (position < Duration.zero) {
position = Duration.zero;
if (duration != null && position > duration) {
position = duration;
return position;
} else {
return Duration.zero;
_interruptPlay(ClipInterruptReason reason) {
if (_completer?.isCompleted == false) {
enum ClipInterruptReason { end, pause, seek, simultaneous }
class LoopingAudioSourcePlayer extends AudioSourcePlayer {
final AudioSourcePlayer audioSourcePlayer;
final int count;
LoopingAudioSourcePlayer(Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer, String id,
this.audioSourcePlayer, this.count)
: super(html5AudioPlayer, id);
List<IndexedAudioSourcePlayer> get sequence =>
List.generate(count, (i) => audioSourcePlayer)
.expand((p) => p.sequence)
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List<int> get shuffleIndices {
final order = <int>[];
var offset = order.length;
for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
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final childShuffleOrder = audioSourcePlayer.shuffleIndices;
order.addAll(childShuffleOrder.map((i) => i + offset).toList());
offset += childShuffleOrder.length;
return order;