// ==UserScript== // @name dzunlock // @namespace io.github.uhwot.dzunlock // @description enables deezer hifi features lol // @author uh wot // @version 1.3.2 // @license GPL-3.0-only // @homepageURL https://git.freezer.life/uhwot/dzunlock // @downloadURL https://git.freezer.life/uhwot/dzunlock/raw/branch/master/dzunlock.user.js // @icon https://cdns-files.dzcdn.net/cache/images/common/favicon/favicon-96x96.852baf648e79894b668670e115e4a375.png // @include /^https:\/\/www\.deezer\.com\/[a-z]{2}\/($|track|album|artist|playlist|episode|show|profile|channels|podcasts|radio)/ // @match https://www.deezer.com/search/* // @match https://www.deezer.com/account/* // @match https://www.deezer.com/concert/* // @match https://www.deezer.com/smarttracklist/* // @require https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/aes-js/3.1.2/index.min.js // @grant GM_getValue // @run-at document-start // ==/UserScript== const debug = false function log(...args) { if (debug) { return console.log(...args) } } // https://github.com/werk85/fetch-intercept/blob/develop/src/attach.js modified for browser support let interceptors = []; function interceptor(fetch, ...args) { const reversedInterceptors = interceptors.reduce((array, interceptor) => [interceptor].concat(array), []); let promise = Promise.resolve(args); // Register request interceptors reversedInterceptors.forEach(({ request, requestError }) => { if (request || requestError) { promise = promise.then(args => request(...args), requestError); } }); // Register fetch call promise = promise.then(args => { const request = new Request(...args); return fetch(request).then(response => { response.request = request; return response; }).catch(error => { error.request = request; return Promise.reject(error); }); }); // Register response interceptors reversedInterceptors.forEach(({ response, responseError }) => { if (response || responseError) { promise = promise.then(response, responseError); } }); return promise; } unsafeWindow.fetch = (function (fetch) { return function (...args) { return interceptor(fetch, ...args); }; })(unsafeWindow.fetch); fetchIntercept = { register: function (interceptor) { interceptors.push(interceptor); return () => { const index = interceptors.indexOf(interceptor); if (index >= 0) { interceptors.splice(index, 1); } }; }, clear: function () { interceptors = []; } }; // main code starts here const playerTokenKey = [102, 228, 95, 242, 215, 50, 122, 26, 57, 216, 206, 38, 164, 237, 200, 85] const cipher = new aesjs.ModeOfOperation.ecb(playerTokenKey) const quality_to_format = { "standard": "MP3_128", "high": "MP3_320", "lossless": "FLAC" } function str2bin(str) { return Array.from(str).map(function (item) { return item.charCodeAt(0); }) } function bin2str(bin) { return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, bin); } function decryptHex(hex) { hex = aesjs.utils.hex.toBytes(hex) return bin2str(cipher.decrypt(hex)).replace(/\0+$/, '') // removes zero-padding } function encryptHex(str) { // zero-padding if (str.length % 16) { str += '\x00'.repeat(16 - str.length % 16) } return aesjs.utils.hex.fromBytes(cipher.encrypt(str2bin(str))) } function playerTokenPatch(playerToken) { playerToken = JSON.parse(decryptHex(playerToken)) // enables 320/flac quality selection playerToken.audio_qualities.wifi_streaming = ['low', 'standard', 'high', 'lossless'] // disables previews playerToken.streaming = true playerToken.limited = false log(playerToken) return encryptHex(JSON.stringify(playerToken)) } window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (_) => { unsafeWindow.dzPlayer.setTrackList = (function (old) { return function (data, ...args) { // needed for deezer's player to accept 320/flac responses for (let i = 0; i < data.data.length; i++) { const id = parseInt(data.data[i].SNG_ID) if (id >= 0) { // don't change filesizes on user-upped tracks data.data[i].FILESIZE_MP3_320 = '1' data.data[i].FILESIZE_FLAC = '1' } } log(data) return old(data, ...args) }; })(unsafeWindow.dzPlayer.setTrackList); }); fetchIntercept.register({ request: function (url, config) { // Modify the url or config here if (url === 'https://media.deezer.com/v1/get_url') { const quality = unsafeWindow.dzPlayer.control.getAudioQuality() const track = unsafeWindow.dzPlayer.getCurrentSong() const id = parseInt(track.SNG_ID) let is_subbed = !unsafeWindow.dzPlayer.user_status.can_subscribe let is_quality_available = unsafeWindow.dzPlayer.user_status.audio_qualities.wifi_download.includes(quality) // STREAM_ADS_AVAILABLE is used to check if track is restricted to premium/hifi if (track.RIGHTS.STREAM_ADS_AVAILABLE !== true && !is_subbed) { is_quality_available = false } if (id >= 0 && !is_quality_available) { const media_server = GM_getValue('media_server', 'https://dzmedia.herokuapp.com') url = `${media_server}/get_url` const body = { formats: ['FLAC', 'MP3_320', 'MP3_128', 'MP3_64', 'MP3_MISC'], ids: [id] } for (let i = 0; i < body.formats.length; i++) { if (body.formats[0] !== quality_to_format[quality]) { body.formats.shift() } else { break } } config.body = JSON.stringify(body) } } return [url, config]; }, requestError: function (error) { // Called when an error occured during another 'request' interceptor call return Promise.reject(error); }, response: async function (response) { // Modify the response object if (response.url.startsWith('https://www.deezer.com/ajax/gw-light.php?method=deezer.getUserData')) { let json = await response.json() // removes upgrade popup stuff json.results.USER.ENTRYPOINTS = {} // needed to play premium-restricted albums like https://www.deezer.com/album/801279 json.results.OFFER_ID = 600 // disables ads json.results.USER.OPTIONS.ads_display = false json.results.USER.OPTIONS.ads_audio = false json.results.PLAYER_TOKEN = playerTokenPatch(json.results.PLAYER_TOKEN) log(json) return new Response(JSON.stringify(json)) } if (response.url.startsWith('https://www.deezer.com/ajax/gw-light.php?method=log.listen')) { const json = await response.json() if (typeof json.results === 'string') { json.results = playerTokenPatch(json.results) } return new Response(JSON.stringify(json)) } return response; }, responseError: function (error) { // Handle an fetch error return Promise.reject(error); } });