const Router = require('./router') const ID3Writer = require('browser-id3-writer'); addEventListener('fetch', event => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request)) }) const format_string_to_num = { 'aac_96': '8', '64': '10', '128': '1', '320': '3', 'flac': '9', 'mp4_ra1': '13', 'mp4_ra2': '14', 'mp4_ra3': '15', 'mhm1_ra1': '16', 'mhm1_ra2': '17', 'mhm1': '18', 'sbc_256': '12', 'misc': '0', } async function handler(type, request) { const url = new URL(request.url) const id = url.pathname.split('/')[2] format = url.searchParams.get('f') if (format === null) { format = '320' } else { format = format.toLowerCase() if (format_string_to_num[format] === undefined) { index = Object.values(format_string_to_num).indexOf(format) if (index === -1) { return new Response('Invalid format', { status: 400, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain' } }) } format = Object.keys(format_string_to_num)[index] } } let tagging = url.searchParams.get('t') tagging = (tagging === 'true' || tagging === '1') && ['misc', '128', '320'].includes(format) switch (type) { case 'track': return await track(id, format, tagging) case 'album': case 'playlist': return await m3u8(type, id, format, tagging, } } async function track(id, format, tagging) { const response = await fetch(`${ACCESS_TOKEN}&track_id=${id}`) const json = await response.json() if (json.error !== undefined) { return new Response(JSON.stringify(json.error), { status: 403, headers: { 'content-type': "application/json" } }) } if ( < 0) { // user-uploaded track format = 'misc' } const wasm = await import('./pkg') encrypted = !['320', 'flac'].includes(format) if (!encrypted) { // server-side stream url // TODO: handle alternatives result = json['url_' + format] if (result === undefined) { return new Response('Format unavailable', { status: 403, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain' } }) } result = wasm.decrypt_stream_url(result) } else { // legacy stream url result = await legacy_track_url(json, format, wasm.legacy_stream_url) if (typeof result === 'object') { return result } } let track if (tagging || encrypted) { track = await fetch(result) if (track.status !== 200) { return new Response("Couldn't get track stream", { status: 403, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain' } }) } } let id3 if (tagging) { id3 = new ID3Writer(Buffer.alloc(0)); id3.padding = 0 id3.setFrame('TIT2', json.title) .setFrame('TALB', json.album.title) .setFrame('TPE2', if (json.contributors !== undefined) { contr_list = []; for (const c of json.contributors) { contr_list.push( } id3.setFrame('TPE1', contr_list) } if (json.track_position !== undefined) { id3.setFrame('TRCK', json.track_position) } if (json.disk_number !== undefined) { id3.setFrame('TPOS', json.disk_number) } if (json.isrc !== "") { id3.setFrame('TSRC', json.isrc) } if (json.bpm !== undefined) { id3.setFrame('TBPM', json.bpm) } if (json.release_date !== undefined) { const split = json.release_date.split('-') id3.setFrame('TYER', split[0]) id3.setFrame('TDAT', split[2] + split[1]) } if (json.md5_image !== "") { const url = `${json.md5_image}/1000x1000-000000-80-0-0.jpg` const cover = await fetch(url) const coverBuffer = await cover.arrayBuffer() id3.setFrame('APIC', { type: 3, data: coverBuffer, description: 'cover' }); } id3.addTag(); } let { readable, writable } = new TransformStream() let writer if (tagging || encrypted) { writer = writable.getWriter() } if (tagging) { writer.write(id3.arrayBuffer) } // needed if track has fallback, like if (json.alternative) { id = } if (encrypted) { const cipher = new wasm.Cipher(id) const length = parseInt(track.headers.get('Content-Length')) pipeDecryptedStream(writer, track.body, length, cipher) } else if (tagging) { writer.releaseLock() track.body.pipeTo(writable) } else { return new Response(null, { status: 302, headers: { 'location': result } }) } return new Response(readable, { status: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'audio/mpeg' } }) } async function pipeDecryptedStream(writer, body, length, cipher) { const reader = body.getReader({ mode: 'byob' }) let byteCount = 0 let end = false while (!end) { end = byteCount + 2048 > length let chunk if (!end) { chunk = new Int8Array(2048) } else { chunk = new Int8Array(length - byteCount) } // if read chunk isn't 2048 bytes, read until it is // cause of retarded readable streams not having an option to specify min bytes let tempLength = 0 while (tempLength !== chunk.length) { let read = (await Int8Array(chunk.length - tempLength))).value chunk.set(read, tempLength) tempLength += read.length } if (byteCount % 6144 === 0 && !end) { // encrypted chunk cipher.decrypt_chunk(chunk) } await writer.write(chunk) byteCount += 2048 } await reader.cancel() await writer.close() } function legacy_track_url(json, format, url_func) { // needed if track has fallback, like if (json.alternative) { json = json.alternative } const id = const md5_origin = json.md5_origin const media_version = json.media_version if (json['filesize_' + format] == false) { return new Response('Format unavailable', { status: 403, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain' } }) } format = format_string_to_num[format] return url_func(md5_origin, format, id.toString(), media_version) } async function m3u8(type, id, format, tagging, host) { const response = await fetch(`${type}/${id}?access_token=${ACCESS_TOKEN}&limit=-1`) const json = await response.json() if (json.error !== undefined) { return new Response(JSON.stringify(json.error), { status: 403, headers: { 'content-type': "application/json" } }) } let list = '#EXTM3U\n' for (const track of { if ( < 0) { // user-uploaded track format = 'misc' } let result = `https://${host}/track/${}?f=${format}&t=${+ tagging}` list += `#EXTINF:${track.duration},${track.title}\n${result}\n` } return new Response(list, { status: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'audio/mpegurl' } }) } async function indexHandler() { return new Response(require('./index.html'), { status: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/html' } }) } async function handleRequest(request) { const r = new Router() r.get('/', () => indexHandler()) r.get('/track/-?\\d+', () => handler('track', request)) r.get('/album/\\d+', () => handler('album', request)) r.get('/playlist/\\d+', () => handler('playlist', request)) const resp = await r.route(request) return resp }