const Router = require('./router') const aesjs = require('aes-js'); addEventListener('fetch', event => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request)) }) const AESKEY = [106, 111, 54, 97, 101, 121, 54, 104, 97, 105, 100, 50, 84, 101, 105, 104] async function url_gen(md5_origin, format, id, media_version) { const cipher = new aesjs.ModeOfOperation.ecb(AESKEY) result = [md5_origin, format, id, media_version].join('\xa4') buf = new ArrayBuffer(result.length); result_hash = new Uint8Array(buf); for (i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { result_hash[i] = result.charCodeAt(i); } result_hash = await crypto.subtle.digest('MD5', result_hash) result_hash = Array.from(new Uint8Array(result_hash)) result_hash = result_hash.reduce(function(previous, current) { return previous + "0".concat(current.toString(16)).substr(-2, 2); }, ''), result = result_hash + '\xa4' + result + '\xa4' // padding result += '\x00'.repeat(result.length % 16 ? 16 - result.length % 16 : 0) // converting to array for encryption / hex string result = Array.from(result).map(function(item) { return item.charCodeAt(0); }) // encryption / hex string result = (result = cipher.encrypt(result)).reduce(function(previous, current) { return previous + "0".concat(current.toString(16)).substr(-2, 2); }, '') // cdn template with first character of md5 string + hash return `https://e-cdns-proxy-${md5_origin[0]}${result}` } async function track(request) { const id = request.url.split('/')[4] if (id === "") { return new Response("Track ID needs to be specified", {status: 400, headers: {'content-type': "text/plain"}}) } access_token = await KV.get("access_token") if (access_token === null) { const response = await fetch("") const json = await response.json() if (json.error !== undefined) { return new Response("Couldn't get access token from Deezer", {status: 500, headers: {'content-type': "text/plain"}}) } access_token = json.access_token await KV.put("access_token", access_token, {expirationTtl: Number(json.expires)}) } const response = await fetch(`${id}?access_token=${access_token}`) const json = await response.json() if (json.error !== undefined) { return new Response(JSON.stringify(json.error), {status: 403, headers: {'content-type': "application/json"}}) } const md5_origin = json.md5_origin const format = "3" const media_version = json.media_version const url = await url_gen(md5_origin, format, id, media_version) return new Response(null, {status: 302, headers: {'location': url}}) } async function handleRequest(request) { const r = new Router() // Replace with the appropriate paths and handlers r.get('/track/.*', () => track(request)) r.get('/', () => new Response('Hello worker!')) // return a default message for the root route const resp = await r.route(request) return resp }