import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:html'; import 'dart:math'; import 'package:async/async.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; import 'package:flutter_web_plugins/flutter_web_plugins.dart'; import 'package:just_audio/just_audio.dart'; final Random _random = Random(); class JustAudioPlugin { static void registerWith(Registrar registrar) { final MethodChannel channel = MethodChannel( 'com.ryanheise.just_audio.methods', const StandardMethodCodec(), registrar.messenger); final JustAudioPlugin instance = JustAudioPlugin(registrar); channel.setMethodCallHandler(instance.handleMethodCall); } final Registrar registrar; JustAudioPlugin(this.registrar); Future handleMethodCall(MethodCall call) async { switch (call.method) { case 'init': final String id = call.arguments[0]; new Html5AudioPlayer(id: id, registrar: registrar); return null; case 'setIosCategory': return null; default: throw PlatformException(code: 'Unimplemented'); } } } abstract class JustAudioPlayer { final String id; final Registrar registrar; final MethodChannel methodChannel; final PluginEventChannel eventChannel; final StreamController eventController = StreamController(); AudioPlaybackState _state = AudioPlaybackState.none; bool _buffering = false; int _index; JustAudioPlayer({@required, @required this.registrar}) : methodChannel = MethodChannel('com.ryanheise.just_audio.methods.$id', const StandardMethodCodec(), registrar.messenger), eventChannel = PluginEventChannel('$id', const StandardMethodCodec(), registrar.messenger) { methodChannel.setMethodCallHandler(_methodHandler); eventChannel.controller = eventController; } Future _methodHandler(MethodCall call) async { try { final args = call.arguments; switch (call.method) { case 'load': return await load(args[0]); case 'play': return await play(); case 'pause': return await pause(); case 'stop': return await stop(); case 'setVolume': return await setVolume(args[0]); case 'setSpeed': return await setSpeed(args[0]); case 'setLoopMode': return await setLoopMode(args[0]); case 'setShuffleModeEnabled': return await setShuffleModeEnabled(args[0]); case 'setAutomaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling': return null; case 'seek': return await seek(args[0], args[1]); case 'dispose': return dispose(); case 'concatenating.add': return await concatenatingAdd(args[0], args[1]); case "concatenating.insert": return await concatenatingInsert(args[0], args[1], args[2]); case "concatenating.addAll": return await concatenatingAddAll(args[0], args[1]); case "concatenating.insertAll": return await concatenatingInsertAll(args[0], args[1], args[2]); case "concatenating.removeAt": return await concatenatingRemoveAt(args[0], args[1]); case "concatenating.removeRange": return await concatenatingRemoveRange(args[0], args[1], args[2]); case "concatenating.move": return await concatenatingMove(args[0], args[1], args[2]); case "concatenating.clear": return await concatenatingClear(args[0]); default: throw PlatformException(code: 'Unimplemented'); } } catch (e, stacktrace) { print("$stacktrace"); rethrow; } } Future load(Map source); Future play(); Future pause(); Future stop(); Future setVolume(double volume); Future setSpeed(double speed); Future setLoopMode(int mode); Future setShuffleModeEnabled(bool enabled); Future seek(int position, int index); @mustCallSuper void dispose() { eventController.close(); } Duration getCurrentPosition(); Duration getDuration(); concatenatingAdd(String playerId, Map source); concatenatingInsert(String playerId, int index, Map source); concatenatingAddAll(String playerId, List sources); concatenatingInsertAll(String playerId, int index, List sources); concatenatingRemoveAt(String playerId, int index); concatenatingRemoveRange(String playerId, int start, int end); concatenatingMove(String playerId, int currentIndex, int newIndex); concatenatingClear(String playerId); broadcastPlaybackEvent() { var updateTime =; eventController.add({ 'state': _state.index, 'buffering': _buffering, 'updatePosition': getCurrentPosition()?.inMilliseconds, 'updateTime': updateTime, // TODO: buffered position 'bufferedPosition': getCurrentPosition()?.inMilliseconds, // TODO: Icy Metadata 'icyMetadata': null, 'duration': getDuration()?.inMilliseconds, 'currentIndex': _index, }); } transition(AudioPlaybackState state) { _state = state; broadcastPlaybackEvent(); } } class Html5AudioPlayer extends JustAudioPlayer { AudioElement _audioElement = AudioElement(); Completer _durationCompleter; AudioSourcePlayer _audioSourcePlayer; LoopMode _loopMode =; bool _shuffleModeEnabled = false; bool _playing = false; final Map _audioSourcePlayers = {}; Html5AudioPlayer({@required String id, @required Registrar registrar}) : super(id: id, registrar: registrar) { _audioElement.addEventListener('durationchange', (event) { _durationCompleter?.complete(); }); _audioElement.addEventListener('error', (event) { _durationCompleter?.completeError(_audioElement.error); }); _audioElement.addEventListener('ended', (event) async { onEnded(); }); _audioElement.addEventListener('seek', (event) { _buffering = true; broadcastPlaybackEvent(); }); _audioElement.addEventListener('seeked', (event) { _buffering = false; broadcastPlaybackEvent(); }); } List get order { final sequence = _audioSourcePlayer.sequence; List order = List(sequence.length); if (_shuffleModeEnabled) { order = _audioSourcePlayer.shuffleOrder; } else { for (var i = 0; i < order.length; i++) { order[i] = i; } } return order; } List getInv(List order) { List orderInv = List(order.length); for (var i = 0; i < order.length; i++) { orderInv[order[i]] = i; } return orderInv; } onEnded() async { if (_loopMode == { await seek(0, null); play(); } else { final order = this.order; final orderInv = getInv(order); if (orderInv[_index] + 1 < order.length) { // move to next item _index = order[orderInv[_index] + 1]; await _currentAudioSourcePlayer.load(); // Should always be true... if (_playing) { play(); } } else { // reached end of playlist if (_loopMode == LoopMode.all) { // Loop back to the beginning if (order.length == 1) { await seek(0, null); await play(); } else { _index = order[0]; await _currentAudioSourcePlayer.load(); // Should always be true... if (_playing) { await play(); } } } else { _playing = false; transition(AudioPlaybackState.completed); } } } } // TODO: Improve efficiency. IndexedAudioSourcePlayer get _currentAudioSourcePlayer => _audioSourcePlayer != null && _index < _audioSourcePlayer.sequence.length ? _audioSourcePlayer.sequence[_index] : null; @override Future load(Map source) async { _currentAudioSourcePlayer?.pause(); _audioSourcePlayer = getAudioSource(source); _index = 0; if (_shuffleModeEnabled) { _audioSourcePlayer?.shuffle(0, _index); } return (await _currentAudioSourcePlayer.load()).inMilliseconds; } Future loadUri(final Uri uri) async { transition(AudioPlaybackState.connecting); final src = uri.toString(); if (src != _audioElement.src) { _durationCompleter = Completer(); _audioElement.src = src; _audioElement.preload = 'auto'; _audioElement.load(); try { await _durationCompleter.future; } on MediaError catch (e) { throw PlatformException( code: "${e.code}", message: "Failed to load URL"); } finally { _durationCompleter = null; } } transition(AudioPlaybackState.stopped); final seconds = _audioElement.duration; return seconds.isFinite ? Duration(milliseconds: (seconds * 1000).toInt()) : null; } @override Future play() async { _playing = true;; transition(AudioPlaybackState.playing); } @override Future pause() async { _playing = false; _currentAudioSourcePlayer.pause(); transition(AudioPlaybackState.paused); } @override Future stop() async { _playing = false; _currentAudioSourcePlayer.stop(); transition(AudioPlaybackState.stopped); } @override Future setVolume(double volume) async { _audioElement.volume = volume; } @override Future setSpeed(double speed) async { _audioElement.playbackRate = speed; } @override Future setLoopMode(int mode) async { _loopMode = LoopMode.values[mode]; } @override Future setShuffleModeEnabled(bool enabled) async { _shuffleModeEnabled = enabled; if (enabled) { _audioSourcePlayer?.shuffle(0, _index); } } @override Future seek(int position, int newIndex) async { int index = newIndex ?? _index; if (index != _index) { _currentAudioSourcePlayer.pause(); _index = index; await _currentAudioSourcePlayer.load(); await; if (_playing) { await play(); } } else { await; } } ConcatenatingAudioSourcePlayer _concatenating(String playerId) => _audioSourcePlayers[playerId] as ConcatenatingAudioSourcePlayer; concatenatingAdd(String playerId, Map source) { final playlist = _concatenating(playerId); playlist.add(getAudioSource(source)); } concatenatingInsert(String playerId, int index, Map source) { _concatenating(playerId).insert(index, getAudioSource(source)); if (index <= _index) { _index++; } } concatenatingAddAll(String playerId, List sources) { _concatenating(playerId).addAll(getAudioSources(sources)); } concatenatingInsertAll(String playerId, int index, List sources) { _concatenating(playerId).insertAll(index, getAudioSources(sources)); if (index <= _index) { _index += sources.length; } } concatenatingRemoveAt(String playerId, int index) async { // Pause if removing current item if (_index == index && _playing) { _currentAudioSourcePlayer.pause(); } _concatenating(playerId).removeAt(index); if (_index == index) { // Skip backward if there's nothing after this if (index == _audioSourcePlayer.sequence.length) { _index--; } // Resume playback at the new item (if it exists) if (_playing && _currentAudioSourcePlayer != null) { await _currentAudioSourcePlayer.load();; } } else if (index < _index) { // Reflect that the current item has shifted its position _index--; } } concatenatingRemoveRange(String playerId, int start, int end) async { if (_index >= start && _index < end && _playing) { // Pause if removing current item _currentAudioSourcePlayer.pause(); } _concatenating(playerId).removeRange(start, end); if (_index >= start && _index < end) { // Skip backward if there's nothing after this if (start >= _audioSourcePlayer.sequence.length) { _index = start - 1; } else { _index = start; } // Resume playback at the new item (if it exists) if (_playing && _currentAudioSourcePlayer != null) { await _currentAudioSourcePlayer.load();; } } else if (end <= _index) { // Reflect that the current item has shifted its position _index -= (end - start); } } concatenatingMove(String playerId, int currentIndex, int newIndex) { _concatenating(playerId).move(currentIndex, newIndex); if (currentIndex == _index) { _index = newIndex; } else if (currentIndex < _index && newIndex >= _index) { _index--; } else if (currentIndex > _index && newIndex <= _index) { _index++; } } concatenatingClear(String playerId) { _currentAudioSourcePlayer.stop(); _concatenating(playerId).clear(); } @override Duration getCurrentPosition() => _currentAudioSourcePlayer?.position; @override Duration getDuration() => _currentAudioSourcePlayer?.duration; @override void dispose() { _currentAudioSourcePlayer?.pause(); _audioElement.removeAttribute('src'); _audioElement.load(); transition(AudioPlaybackState.none); super.dispose(); } List getAudioSources(List json) => => getAudioSource(s)).toList(); AudioSourcePlayer getAudioSource(Map json) { final String id = json['id']; var audioSourcePlayer = _audioSourcePlayers[id]; if (audioSourcePlayer == null) { audioSourcePlayer = decodeAudioSource(json); _audioSourcePlayers[id] = audioSourcePlayer; } return audioSourcePlayer; } AudioSourcePlayer decodeAudioSource(Map json) { try { switch (json['type']) { case 'progressive': return ProgressiveAudioSourcePlayer( this, json['id'], Uri.parse(json['uri']), json['headers']); case "dash": return DashAudioSourcePlayer( this, json['id'], Uri.parse(json['uri']), json['headers']); case "hls": return HlsAudioSourcePlayer( this, json['id'], Uri.parse(json['uri']), json['headers']); case "concatenating": return ConcatenatingAudioSourcePlayer( this, json['id'], getAudioSources(json['audioSources']), json['useLazyPreparation']); case "clipping": return ClippingAudioSourcePlayer( this, json['id'], getAudioSource(json['audioSource']), Duration(milliseconds: json['start']), Duration(milliseconds: json['end'])); case "looping": return LoopingAudioSourcePlayer(this, json['id'], getAudioSource(json['audioSource']), json['count']); default: throw Exception("Unknown AudioSource type: " + json['type']); } } catch (e, stacktrace) { print("$stacktrace"); rethrow; } } } abstract class AudioSourcePlayer { Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer; final String id; AudioSourcePlayer(this.html5AudioPlayer,; List get sequence; List get shuffleOrder; int shuffle(int treeIndex, int currentIndex); } abstract class IndexedAudioSourcePlayer extends AudioSourcePlayer { IndexedAudioSourcePlayer(Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer, String id) : super(html5AudioPlayer, id); Future load(); Future play(); Future pause(); Future stop(); Future seek(int position); Duration get duration; Duration get position; AudioElement get _audioElement => html5AudioPlayer._audioElement; @override int shuffle(int treeIndex, int currentIndex) => treeIndex + 1; @override String toString() => "${this.runtimeType}"; } abstract class UriAudioSourcePlayer extends IndexedAudioSourcePlayer { final Uri uri; final Map headers; double _resumePos; Duration _duration; UriAudioSourcePlayer( Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer, String id, this.uri, this.headers) : super(html5AudioPlayer, id); @override List get sequence => [this]; @override List get shuffleOrder => [0]; @override Future load() async { _resumePos = 0.0; return _duration = await html5AudioPlayer.loadUri(uri); } @override Future play() async { _audioElement.currentTime = _resumePos;; } @override Future pause() async { _resumePos = _audioElement.currentTime; _audioElement.pause(); } @override Future seek(int position) async { _audioElement.currentTime = _resumePos = position / 1000.0; } @override Future stop() async { _resumePos = 0.0; _audioElement.pause(); _audioElement.currentTime = 0.0; } @override Duration get duration { return _duration; //final seconds = _audioElement.duration; //return seconds.isFinite // ? Duration(milliseconds: (seconds * 1000).toInt()) // : null; } @override Duration get position { double seconds = _audioElement.currentTime; return Duration(milliseconds: (seconds * 1000).toInt()); } } class ProgressiveAudioSourcePlayer extends UriAudioSourcePlayer { ProgressiveAudioSourcePlayer( Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer, String id, Uri uri, Map headers) : super(html5AudioPlayer, id, uri, headers); } class DashAudioSourcePlayer extends UriAudioSourcePlayer { DashAudioSourcePlayer( Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer, String id, Uri uri, Map headers) : super(html5AudioPlayer, id, uri, headers); } class HlsAudioSourcePlayer extends UriAudioSourcePlayer { HlsAudioSourcePlayer( Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer, String id, Uri uri, Map headers) : super(html5AudioPlayer, id, uri, headers); } class ConcatenatingAudioSourcePlayer extends AudioSourcePlayer { static List generateShuffleOrder(int length, [int firstIndex]) { final shuffleOrder = List(length); for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { final j = _random.nextInt(i + 1); shuffleOrder[i] = shuffleOrder[j]; shuffleOrder[j] = i; } if (firstIndex != null) { for (var i = 1; i < length; i++) { if (shuffleOrder[i] == firstIndex) { final v = shuffleOrder[0]; shuffleOrder[0] = shuffleOrder[i]; shuffleOrder[i] = v; break; } } } return shuffleOrder; } final List audioSourcePlayers; final bool useLazyPreparation; List _shuffleOrder; ConcatenatingAudioSourcePlayer(Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer, String id, this.audioSourcePlayers, this.useLazyPreparation) : _shuffleOrder = generateShuffleOrder(audioSourcePlayers.length), super(html5AudioPlayer, id); @override List get sequence => audioSourcePlayers.expand((p) => p.sequence).toList(); @override List get shuffleOrder { final order = []; var offset = order.length; final childOrders = >[]; for (var audioSourcePlayer in audioSourcePlayers) { final childShuffleOrder = audioSourcePlayer.shuffleOrder; childOrders.add( => i + offset).toList()); offset += childShuffleOrder.length; } for (var i = 0; i < childOrders.length; i++) { order.addAll(childOrders[_shuffleOrder[i]]); } return order; } @override int shuffle(int treeIndex, int currentIndex) { int currentChildIndex; for (var i = 0; i < audioSourcePlayers.length; i++) { final indexBefore = treeIndex; final child = audioSourcePlayers[i]; treeIndex = child.shuffle(treeIndex, currentIndex); if (currentIndex >= indexBefore && currentIndex < treeIndex) { currentChildIndex = i; } else {} } // Shuffle so that the current child is first in the shuffle order _shuffleOrder = generateShuffleOrder(audioSourcePlayers.length, currentChildIndex); return treeIndex; } add(AudioSourcePlayer player) { audioSourcePlayers.add(player); _shuffleOrder.add(audioSourcePlayers.length - 1); } insert(int index, AudioSourcePlayer player) { audioSourcePlayers.insert(index, player); for (var i = 0; i < audioSourcePlayers.length; i++) { if (_shuffleOrder[i] >= index) { _shuffleOrder[i]++; } } _shuffleOrder.add(index); } addAll(List players) { audioSourcePlayers.addAll(players); _shuffleOrder.addAll( List.generate(players.length, (i) => audioSourcePlayers.length + i) .toList() ..shuffle()); } insertAll(int index, List players) { audioSourcePlayers.insertAll(index, players); for (var i = 0; i < audioSourcePlayers.length; i++) { if (_shuffleOrder[i] >= index) { _shuffleOrder[i] += players.length; } } _shuffleOrder.addAll( List.generate(players.length, (i) => index + i).toList()..shuffle()); } removeAt(int index) { audioSourcePlayers.removeAt(index); // 0 1 2 3 // 3 2 0 1 for (var i = 0; i < audioSourcePlayers.length; i++) { if (_shuffleOrder[i] > index) { _shuffleOrder[i]--; } } _shuffleOrder.removeWhere((i) => i == index); } removeRange(int start, int end) { audioSourcePlayers.removeRange(start, end); for (var i = 0; i < audioSourcePlayers.length; i++) { if (_shuffleOrder[i] >= end) { _shuffleOrder[i] -= (end - start); } } _shuffleOrder.removeWhere((i) => i >= start && i < end); } move(int currentIndex, int newIndex) { audioSourcePlayers.insert( newIndex, audioSourcePlayers.removeAt(currentIndex)); } clear() { audioSourcePlayers.clear(); _shuffleOrder.clear(); } } class ClippingAudioSourcePlayer extends IndexedAudioSourcePlayer { final UriAudioSourcePlayer audioSourcePlayer; final Duration start; final Duration end; CancelableOperation _playOperation; double _resumePos; Duration _duration; ClippingAudioSourcePlayer(Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer, String id, this.audioSourcePlayer, this.start, this.end) : super(html5AudioPlayer, id); @override List get sequence => [this]; @override List get shuffleOrder => [0]; @override Future load() async { _resumePos = start.inMilliseconds / 1000.0; Duration fullDuration = await html5AudioPlayer.loadUri(audioSourcePlayer.uri); _audioElement.currentTime = _resumePos; _duration = Duration( milliseconds: min(end.inMilliseconds, fullDuration.inMilliseconds) - start.inMilliseconds); return _duration; } @override Future play() async { _interruptPlay(); //_playing = true; final duration = end == null ? null : end.inMilliseconds / 1000 - _resumePos; _audioElement.currentTime = _resumePos;; if (duration != null) { _playOperation = CancelableOperation.fromFuture(Future.delayed(Duration( milliseconds: duration * 1000 ~/ _audioElement.playbackRate))) .then((_) { _playOperation = null; pause(); html5AudioPlayer.onEnded(); }); } } @override Future pause() async { _interruptPlay(); _resumePos = _audioElement.currentTime; _audioElement.pause(); } @override Future seek(int position) async { _interruptPlay(); _audioElement.currentTime = _resumePos = start.inMilliseconds / 1000.0 + position / 1000.0; } @override Future stop() async { _resumePos = 0.0; _audioElement.pause(); _audioElement.currentTime = start.inMilliseconds / 1000.0; } @override Duration get duration { return _duration; } @override Duration get position { double seconds = _audioElement.currentTime; var position = Duration(milliseconds: (seconds * 1000).toInt()); if (start != null) { position -= start; } if (position < { position =; } return position; } _interruptPlay() { _playOperation?.cancel(); _playOperation = null; } } class LoopingAudioSourcePlayer extends AudioSourcePlayer { final AudioSourcePlayer audioSourcePlayer; final int count; LoopingAudioSourcePlayer(Html5AudioPlayer html5AudioPlayer, String id, this.audioSourcePlayer, this.count) : super(html5AudioPlayer, id); @override List get sequence => List.generate(count, (i) => audioSourcePlayer) .expand((p) => p.sequence) .toList(); @override List get shuffleOrder { final order = []; var offset = order.length; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { final childShuffleOrder = audioSourcePlayer.shuffleOrder; order.addAll( => i + offset).toList()); offset += childShuffleOrder.length; } return order; } @override int shuffle(int treeIndex, int currentIndex) { for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { treeIndex = audioSourcePlayer.shuffle(treeIndex, currentIndex); } return treeIndex; } }